
Can someone tell me how to change a diaper please?

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I am going to start babysitting next week but I need to know how to change a diaper. One is 1 year old and still in diapers so I need to know how to change a diaper the other kid is a toddler, age 3! They are sooo cute but I need to know how to change a diaper! Help please! Thanks!




  1. Its the same as when you change a girl. You just need to watch out for him peeing. Boys like to do that during a diaper change. And it will spray all over. Just cover it with a wipe while you change.  

  2. Well, everyone's technique is different of course.  With the 1 year old I'd open one side and let him finish urinating before moving on.  Most folks use the front part of the diaper to wipe the fecal material into the back of the diaper - I haven't had luck with that.  I hold their legs up, have at least 7 wipes out for a poopy diaper, use the wipes to clean - front to back just like your own bottom, and put the dirty wipes in the diaper - and then wrap that dirty diaper up like a burrito with the fecal material and wipes inside.  With wet diapers I do not wipe unless they are wet - the diapers these days do a very good job at absorbing urine.

    If they have  a diaper rash, clean well, dry with a dry wash cloth or hair dryer (on low), slap on some Desitin (not creamy, it stings) or what ever paste is there, and wrap that butt back up.

  3. It's not too hard, and it isn't very different from changing a girl's diaper. Do the same as you would when changing a girl; take off the diaper, wipe, ect., only when you take off the dirty diaper, make sure you cover up with another diaper, so he doesn't urinate on you. :P Just remember that tip and you should be okay. I have a baby boy, and it took a few tries, but i finally figured it out! :P Good luck, and I hope i could help! <3

  4. Boys are easier to change then girls I think, there is no-where for the poo to go! Always wipe from clean to dirty. The velcro tags go at the back. I think it would be a good idea to watch and learn from the mother you'll be baby-sitting for.

  5. I think its weird that parents would leave their babies with someone who doesnt even know how to change a diaper....or do they know?

  6. It can be hard to describe w/o being there in person but I  will give it a go.Make sure you have all items you need right next to you. If you use a changing table make sure to keep a hand on the child at all times babies move a lot. Better yet use the floor until you are better at it. Once your ready unfasten the tabs hold his ankles in one hand and lift up remove the diaper, if he is poopy wipe him off. slip new diaper underneath his bottom-sticky tabs go in front. Fasten the tabs. With boys there is always a chance the might pee when you have the diaper off  so watch out! I have changed so many Iam pretty fast, if your worried you can place the clean diaper or a wash cloth  over his private area while you clean him off and until you can get it on correctly.

  7. step by step:

    First, remove the baby's pants(if worn) or unsnap the onesie

    Next, pull the little sticky tabs

    Then, pull the top part down, exposing the items in the diaper

    After removing that diaper, clean the baby up(you know)

    Now, put a fresh diaper on the baby, remember that you have to make sure it's fit and pull apart and attach the sticky tabs.


    IDK, how on point this is because I wrote it myself which makes my describing different.

  8. First you prepare by getting the correct things that you may need to change the diaper such as a clean diaper, wipes and/or rug. Then you take the diaper off and wipe from front to back. You then make sure that all mess is cleaned off the baby once you have done all these steps you place the clean diaper on the baby.

  9. well...

    its kinda had 2 to explain..

    i mean its like totally easy to do but hard to explain without sounding vague.

    1.Open the diaper..most are velcro


    3.remove diaper and roll it up the diaper and put it on the kid

    5.fasten it


    i know thats not very good and pretty brief but i dont know how else to tell you,you kind have to see someone do it.

    ask your parents for help.

    maybe they could show you on a doll or something.

  10. go to you tube and check out this video.

    Newborn Child Care: How to Bathe, Change & Feed a Baby : Tips for Changing Diapers: Newborn Child Care

  11. only diff with a boy is basically pointing the gun down when you close the tabs....less leaky that way!! good luck, and don't be suprised if it gets hard when it gets's natural...oh yeah, and ALWAYS, EVERY SECOND, KEEP THE GUN COVERED, IT IS ALWAYS LOADED!!! LOL

  12. Written instructions aren't going to help you much when it comes to diapers.

    Ask the parents or your parents to help you out, it will be much easier to learn if you see someone do it.

  13. here is a video on how 2 change a child.


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