
Can someone tell me how to contact a fairy?

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How do you contact a fairy?




  1. [Firetail says] Sorry to say this, but...You'll have to let it happen on its own. Fae hunting is rarely successful. There are, however, ways to find them...

    1) I'm not sure if this works. I never tried. I believe it was milk and honey as an offering.

    2) NEVER try to capture them. They are, for the most part, a lot smarter than you and won't be fooled by any trap that you can devise.

    3) Be good to the Earth. Cut wood from trees only after you have asked and received permission. This is rarely seen, except by Wiccans and such. But they definitely have it right. The Earth got mad when I didn't ask for permission. I felt it in my entire being. It sucked the energy out of me halfway through cutting down a poplar sapling. Not a nice feeling.

    4) Find a person who has created a bond of trust with fae. Let them teach you, and let them decide when you're ready. They can use their bond of trust to convince the faeries.

    I won't guarantee that any of this will get you in contact with a faery. All you can do is hope, and let your heart lead the way.

  2. call my cell

  3. Wear tight shorts and visit the Trocadero night club. They'll contact you, I promise.

  4. You don't, really. If they find you interesting, they will make their presence known to you. Try being kind to the Earth, growing a garden, planting flowers (daisies; roses), picking up trash and similar things that the faeries appreciate. You can also leave gifts of food such as milk (the real stuff) and honey, cakes and other foods you think they may like.

    To find out more about faeries and how to respectfully communicate with them, try reading the book, "Enchantment of the Faerie Realm" by Ted Andrews. There are a couple of other good ones as well.

  5. well, i would tell you, but for one, it would be stupid of me, and second, you would probably get hurt pretty bad.....

  6. OMG stop asking this question! Why don't you get off the computer and read an EDUCATIONAL book so when school comes around, you can say you have at least SOME intelligence


  8. That depends, what kind of faerie are you trying to contact? Unless you understand what real faeries are like, you probably will never see one. They have to come to you. This can be done by leaving them gifts (like little treats), planting and growing certain flowers that they like (you can find lists of these all over the place, in books or on the web) and generally making your home and land around your home faerie-friendly.

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