
Can someone tell me how to make my room cooler (not as hot)?

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My room gets really hot every day. My step-dad blames it on the 5-year-old TV and the XBox 360. I have 2 windows and i live near Birmingham, Alabama where it gets EXTREMELY HOT during the days. someone please help me!!




  1. the xbox could definitely be doing it, maybe even the tv, try letting em run for like an hour and feeling above their outvents, see if the air coming out feels warm.if its the sun coming in teh windows, u can always get some really thick curtains, and then get a blackout lining  to put between them and the window, this will minimize the amount of air the sun can heat, remem the blackout window covering must be white or very lite in color to reflect the heat back out  the window, which must be closed.if u have no air conditioning, u need to open the window at the top and the bottom to allow hot air to go out the top adn cooler air to come in the bottom.

    you also mite try closing the door to ur room adn doing this even if u have air conditioning, see if its any better.

    next, try a fan,  the smaller it is the closer u need it to be, if ur windows r on diff sides of the room, try closing the door again and point the fan out one window, see if u get good circulation, or maybe the other will work better. u can also try pointing the fan in the room from in front of a window, see if it draws cool air in better that way.normally cool air will come in from the shady side of the house. if none of that works, try wrapping ice in a long towel and putting it on ur neck.


    sorryk, big ps here, jsut saw u r running an ac at like 77, 78 so most of the ideas about staying cool with ac r not going to work, they will just cut down on the work it has to do but not actually make u any cooler, since the ac is not under ur control.  teh curtains and such will help teh bill, so would putting in flourescent liting in all ur sockets instead of incandescents.this goes for reading lites, ceiling, whatever, adn getting an lcd sgreen tv would also cut way back on teh heat generated in ur room, the xbox is pretty much ur cross to bear as it is sure to be throwing off heat. if teh sensor that controls the ac is far away from ur room u r better off keeping ur dorr open, and maybe a fan blowing air into ur room from the rest of the house will help. also look at where teh outflow vent for the air conditioner  is pointed, see if u can aim it more towards where u sit or lay down while u play and watch tv. sometimes there mite be a bookshelf or tqll lamp or something blocking or redirecting the air flow towards wherever u r sitting and just fixing that will help.

  2. try putting on the air conditioner, fan anythingggg

    open ur windows for circulation at night when its cooler also keep ur door open for circulation...make sure u have screens on ur windows if u leave them open, you dont want a mosquito infestation lol or bites for that matter...

  3. try getting an airconditioner... or EVAPS..... they work great!!!!!!!

    And u may wanna put up the windows... and cover the windows with blinds er something so that the sunlight won't get in the room....

    U may also want 2 get a ceiling fan or 2

    Good luck =D

  4. My room used to get really hot.  I only have one window and the air couldn't circulate through the room. I tried tinting the window, but the window tinting stuff kept coming off the window and it really didn't work that well. One of my friends told me to take black spray paint and paint the inside of my window. He told me not to worry about it being permanent, If I wanted to, I could always remove the paint with a razor blade. The black paint actually makes your windows look like you have tinted windows and helps reflect the sunlight. The only bad part about spray painting your windows black, is it makes your room really dark. If you want any light to come in, you have to open up the windows. I also bought a celling fan to help circulate the air in the room. It works pretty good, as long as you have the windows open a little bit, so the air can still circulate through the room.

  5. Your step dad is right.  Running electronics

    for long periods of time will make your room hot and will run up one heck of an electric bill!  If you and your step dad can afford it, get an energy star rated air conditioner.  I lived in Georgia for about 48

    years, so I know how hot it gets down there!!  I can't believe you're living without

    air conditioning!  But if you can't afford it

    try a window fan, the kind that have two fans in it, one you can run to pull air in and one out or have them both running the same way. We use them and they work great, especially at night.  Honeywell makes good ones.  Try turning off your TV and x-box and go swimming or something to cool you off and leave the fans running and in the meantime your room will be cooling off.

    Also, if the sun shines directly into your room at some part of the day or all of it, try putting thermal insulated curtains or dark curtains on your window.  And did you know that lighter colors in your room can make your room feel cooler?  Like a light blue or white?

        But the best way is if you could get a small energy saving air conditioner.

      Hope this helps!

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