
Can someone tell me how you think gas will cost in 3 year?

by  |  earlier

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can someone giveme an estimate because i'm planing aroad trip in 3 year and would like to know how much i should save so i woulded go in tomuch det.




  1. dont care, I bike whenever possible

  2. 3 years-----I couldn't even tell you what gas will cost tomorrow.

  3. At the current trend of a diminishing asset, look to about 4.749 to 7.289 per US gallon.

  4. No one on here can even estimate what anything is going to cost in three years time, the most well known economists in the world are unsure of costs within the next year.

    With all that is going on in the world, we may not be able to be using gasoline in three years, and may well be using alternative forms of energy and transportation.

    Since fuel prices are changing and generally increasing on a daily basis, who knows what tomorrow will bring, or next week or next year.

    Plan your trip according to current prices, and save more money toward the trip as the changing economy dictates, when I have had  to travel by car within the last couple of years, I have doubled my estimated expenses from prior trips and that has been working thus far.

    My family and I are currently paying nearly 35% more for car fuel expenses than we were paying a few years ago, and I do not see the prices coming down anytime soon.  We have cut down on vehicle use, plan more trips that consolidate a lot of errands and walk or bike as much as is possible in order to save as much money and fuel as we can.

    Have a great trip regardless of the expense involve, some things are much more important than money.  Have a good day.

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