
Can someone tell me if Indian DGCA is still accepting UK RT license and converting it to Indian RT?

by  |  earlier

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I am leaving for UK in a week's time and no one is able to clear this issue, not even the Ministry.! Please help.




  1. shall obtain a Certificate of Proficiency from the Ministry of Communications under the provisions of Indian Wireless and Telegraphy Rules, 1954 for operation of Radio Telephony Apparatus on board an aircraft. Based on this, a Flight Radio Telephone Operator's (FRTO) Licence will be issued by DGCA in accordance with the provisions of Section 'Y' of Schedule II of the Aircraft Rules, 1937.

    Flight Radio Telephone Operator's Licence

       1. Requirements for issue of licence-- An applicant for a Flight Radio Telephone Operator's Licence shall satisfy the following requirements :-

             1. Age-- He shall be not less than eighteen years of age on the date of application;

             2. Educational Qualification-- He shall have passed class ten plus two with Physics and Mathematics or its equivalent examination from a recognised Board/University.

             3. Medical Fitness-- He shall produce on a prescribed proforma a certificate of physical fitness from either an approved medical practitioner or an approved medical Board after undergoing a medical examination during which he shall have established his medical fitness on the basis of compliance with the requirements as notified by the Director-General under Rule 39B;

             4. Knowledge/Technical Qualifications-- He shall produce a valid Radio Telephone Operator's (Restricted or General) Certificate endorsed for Aeromobile Service issued or recognised by the Central Government under the Indian Wireless Telegraphy Rules, 1954;

             5. Other Requirements-- He may be required to pass, at the discretion of the Director-General, a test to establish his knowledge of the current aeromobile radio-telephone operating practices and procedures, standards and recommended practices pertaining to air traffic control communication as promulgated by the Director- General from time to time;

             6. He shall produce satisfactory evidence of having completed not less than two months of satisfactory experience as a Flight Radio Telephone Operator and obtained experience of at least ten hours during the proceedings twelve months in an aircraft equipped with radio apparatus in accordance with Rule 63 :

                Provided that an applicant who has not had the experience as required above may be granted a provisional licence for a period not exceeding one year in order to enable him to obtain the necessary experience :

                Provided further that an applicant who is licensed flight crew will not be required to produce evidence of experience.

             7. Skill-- He may, if so necessary, be subjected to a flight check as provided under Rule 12(3) of the Indian wireless Telegraphy Rules, 1954, to establish his competency as a Flight Radio Telephone Operator.

       2. Validity-- The period of validity shall commence from the date of issue or renewal of licence. The licence shall be valid for a period a specified in Rule 39C subject to compliance with renewal requirements as stipulated in Para 3 hereinafter.

       3. Renewal-- A licence shall be renewed on production of satisfactory evidence of--

             1. having undergone a medical examination in accordance with clause (c) of paragraph 1;

             2. having a current Radio Telephone Operator's (Restricted or General) Certificate (Aeromobile Service) issued or recognised by the Central Government under the Indian Wireless Telegraphy Rules, 1954.

       4. Privileges-- Subject to the endorsements in the licence, the privileges of the holder of a Flight Radio Telephone Operator's Licence shall be to act as a Flight Radio Telephone Operator on any aircraft equipped with radio apparatus in accordance with Rule 63 including radio apparatus which communicates by radio telephony, except that the holder of a provisional licence shall, at all times, operate under the supervision of a person holding a Flight Radio Telephone Operator's Licence.

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