
Can someone tell me if there are there are cafes/fast food restaurants near Durham (Near Newcastle,UK) Station

by Guest59714  |  earlier

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I'm going to be hanging around Durham station waiting for a train for a couple of hours & wanted to know if there was anywhere to go to waste some time.

Many thanks ;)




  1. I have been to Durham (I live near there), and the site telling you that the station is 'near the city centre' forgets to tell you that the station, whilst being near as the crow flies is perched high on a hill - it's a steep walk down and another steep walk up into the city - the station and the city are on opposite sides of the River Wear, running through a steep valley! But if you are young and fit no problem! At the bottom of the hill from the station is the Milburngate Shopping Centre and I think there are some fast food outlets in there, or nearby.There is a café at the station but my recollection is that it's fairly basic. There is a tourist map here:-

    which shows both the station and the city and attractions.

  2. Generally speaking, if there is a good place to eat or drink near a British station, you will find it catalogued at but nowhere in Durham has yet made-it onto their database.

    If you know some other refreshment places worth recommending, please nominate them at that website. Places on the platforms or in station concourses tend to be basic, draughty and relatively expensive. Not all tickets enable you to break your journey, so be wary of using automatic ticket gates if you are only part-way through the journey described on the ticket. It may be better to ask staff whether you can leave the station for a  meal or toilet break and let them operate the manual gate in such situations. Normally they will agree if your ticket is valid, particularly if you tell them honestly which departure you are intending to catch. They might tell you the expected platform number as well so that you can make the most of your break time!

  3. There's not so much as a waiting shelter on Durham station let alone refreshment rooms! - and as the station is at the top of a hill and the town centre is at the bottom (where all the facilities are situated), I suggest you spend your time in the town and leave yourself up to fifteen minutes to get back up to the station in time for your train.

    There are several of the usual 'eateries' around the bus station area, but if it's still daylight and it's a nice day, don't forget it's nice down by the river and the "town" is only a few hundred yards up the other side of the river, and of course there's always the Cathedral!

  4. I am from Durham thoguh I know live down south, and just watch out for the view when you cross the bridge over the river Wear, you can see the cathedral and it looks amazing. It's a very small city, and it's completely on hills, cobbled streets the works, so wear flat shoes, it is gorgeous though, if you get time, try and get to the cathedral, it's free after a voluntary donation and is over 900 years old, which is quite impressive no?

    The station is a bit of a walk into the city though, it's not miles, but pay serious attention to where you are going, as it's easy to get lost, though it is tiny. Have fun!

  5. Maybe Mcdonlads? or starbucks there everywhere in usa.

  6. Never been to Durham but I found this for you:

    Durham station is located within a few minutes walk of historic Durham city centre, university and cathedral.

    Why not just walk up to the town centre? There'll be a large selection of cafes and shops plus the food and drinks will be a lot cheaper (and probably taste better) than railway cafes! Plus you could do some sightseeing or shopping if you had extra time!

    A list of the places to eat in Durham:

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