
Can someone tell me if this is common?

by  |  earlier

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I have this sence when I approach a pregnant woman. I get this feeling inside something weird that tells me the s*x of the baby. I have not been wrong as far as i know.

I was in a restraunt a few weeks ago and the waitress came to the table from behind me. I didnt see her coming but something inside me thought of a baby boy. I actually visualized the baby and what it looked like. When I saw she was pregnant I told her you having a boy. She lauged and said "how did you know that I had my ultra sound today and its going to be a boy"

Is this weird or something many people are capable of?




  1. I don't think its very common, but it sounds like you have a gift and you should be proud of it.

  2. Lots of people are capable of this sort of discernment just as lots of people are capable of playing the piano.  Some apply themselves and most don't.

  3. it must happen to be by chance. or you have a gift. :]

  4. You're the ... baby whisperer.  LOL

    It's not common as far as I know.

  5. NO its not have a really kool be like a baby fortune should cherish this gift because ur a 1in a could probably tell wat gender of baby ur gonna hav 1 day

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