
Can someone tell me more about Algonquin culture? Does "Algonquin" refer only to the language of many tribes

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I was told Algonquin is a part of my heritage, and am looking to find symbolism that may mean something to me or may portray something I relate to. Pinpointing an exact location of my origins is not of my purvue.




  1. Here is the creation myth:

    "If you are looking for information on the "Algonquian Indians", you can stop right now. "Algonquian" is not the name of a Native tribe or nation; it is a language family, like "romance" or "indo-european". There are no "Algonquian Indians"; but there are Algonquin Indians in Canada. There are dozens of North American Nations that speak Algonquian languages all across the United States and Canada, but the languages and their speakers are as different from each other as French and Spanish and Italian are.

    Most of the New England tribes spoke Algonquian languages, and many of the "Indian" words common in English today - such as raccoon, succotash, Massachusetts, moccasin, etc. - are from one or another of the Algonquian languages"

  2. there is an Algonquin tribe ( nation) an  it is Canada. the anthro's decided to name the language that the eastern people spoke Algonquin. the tribe is some where around the eastern part of the great lakes. Quebec, around that area.

  3. Try this link under the sub-section "Culture" to see some of the traits of the Algonkin people:

    This website does a nice job of describing all the tribes, their locations, culture & history.

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