
Can someone tell me more about pre K.?

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My son is 2 and I know what goes on at daycare and am not impressed but more disguested ..I have pretty much put my life on hold for now , I have been a stay at home mom for 2 years ..I'm very eager to enroll him in pre k ...How old dose the child have to be to start pre K ? I know he is still to young but was just wondering . How much is pre K cost ? just a estimated guess is fine , im sure price differs from state to state . Is there any way to possiable have pre k funded by the gov ? any information would help ..thanks




  1. Four year old is the age that most children enter Pre-K. If you want your son to go into a Pre-K program that will actually provide education and safety, with intelligent teachers, then you'll have to wait until he turns four.

    Be sure to look around, and be very selective. Ask lots of questions, and if possible, find out the education of the teachers and their experience. You'll want someone who is properly trained and experienced. Believe me, i've worked for a few horrible places.

    Best of luck!

  2. Many school districts offer pre K for free to those who quallify (low income or English not primary lang in the home for instance - may be other quallifiers - will vary from district to district based on their funding and policies).  PreK usually starts the August that a child is four years old (or age three in some places).  These are offered through the regular public school.

    There is also private Pre K.  The cost ranges from about the same as daycare (because that's really all it is) through very $$$$$ (for Montessori or other top programs).  Generally, you get what you pay for (though some of what you get may be prestige or convenience).  

    Many parents these days choose to prepare their children for Kindergarten through a home-school or co-op (three to five parents take turns teaching and class rotates from one house to another). An excellent source for religious-based Pre-K is the Joy School, which I used with my oldest child (now age 15) and will be starting in the fall for my 3-yr-old.  Great program, and very cost effective.  

    If you are eager to go back to work, I'd give the local Elementary School a call.  Ask if they have a Pre-K program (sometimes called Early Childhood Classes or Head Start) and what you need to do to see if you quallify for it.

    If you mostly want to make sure your son is ready for school, and you're enjoying being a stay-at-home-Mom, Why not consider teaching him yourself?  It's at least worth a try.  Although it's exciting to see a child grow up and become independent, I cherrish those first years when your world revolves around your child and you are all the world to him.  They grow up and pull away faster than we want them to.  Hold on to every magical moment while you can!

  3. the age is like 2.9months. and you could go to a local communituy college that has pre K. They are really well trained. I was a student teacher at one and they are very well runned. And its not too expensive.

  4. Hi. I teach PRE-K at La Petite Academy. you can  not start pre k until you are 4 years old and will be attending KINDERGARTEN the next fall. early pre-school starts as early as two years old then between 3 and four you are in preschool. depending on the area you live in, the cut off date for kindergarten and pre-k  is usually around the end of july....if your childs 4th birthday falls before then, they move up to pre k  the fall one year before kindergarten.

    pre-k is intended to prepare a child for elementary school. in the area i live in, children are tested before attending kindergarten and must pass to move on. pre-school and early pre-school just teaches the basics to your child like letter recognition, writing, simple math, music and movement etc.

    check out the websites for some major schools in your area (la-petite academy  has many many locations across the country) and the sites should give you plenty of info on each class.

    also yes, most states do offer assistance which can pay up to half

  5. Well he could start pre k at the age of two.

  6. well   2 is   pretty young,,,  about 3 1/2  or 4  is a good time to enroll him  for pre k.. preschool  you can  probably do now,, but   again he is still little and needs you more than he needs to be in school..,,.. Both my children went  and I would definitely suggest  a  preschool center rather than an in home daycare,,,  If it is a good one  it will be structured and have specific projects they do .. i e   learning  numbers and letters.... colors.... and of course free play time,,  and story time....  the socialization  is great,, learning how to play and share with others,,,  And there are programs out there to help you,, but mainly they are for   people who are in school  who need daycare  or  if you are on welfare,, financial hardships like that... but you def  should check to see if there are other programs  that could help  some of the local preschools  should know,, they are usually a good source of information...  but try to keep him home for at least another year,, you are really the best teacher for him now   and you  will love him and take care of him  like a center will not..

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