
Can someone tell me my horoscope please?

by  |  earlier

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born on monday evening at 9:55 pm

and i'm a virgo




  1. you are virgo

  2. Quickie

    Don't start anything that you can't finish. Flirtatious conversations are unwise.


    Your heart is stronger than your head right now - and you should let it win every battle! It's one of those days when you need to try to do what you feel is right, no matter what the cost may be.

  3. You can ask for free advice in forums like these, but 99 times out of 100 the answers will be rushed, even if a good astrologer answer, because s/he has other pressing business and paying clients to attend to. Cursory readings of horoscopes are dangerous at best.

    You can get a free vedic chart drawn up at places like

    You can get a free reading on the internet. But frankly I'd rather marry a computer than have one interpret my personal horoscope.

    Therefore please have a proper reading done: (not a free service)

    Again, please obtain a careful reading. I would love to be of service. All your specific questions can be answered there. Quick answers to specific questions are always dangerous, because astrology takes place correctly only when the thousands of counter-balancing factors are correctly weighed against one another.

  4. You mean your birth chart.. type it in on google and there are numerous amounts of websites which you can get one for free.

    I've used this one, really simple to use:

  5. try this!! -- has all sorts of interesting things.... :


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