
Can someone tell me of something that happened in the 1980s?

by Guest65895  |  earlier

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i remember that one of my friends told me of a car invented in the 1970s-1980s about this car that was brought into the USA that used an alternate kind of fuel (not gasoline) but our government was SO INCREDIBLY bent on the greedy use of oil, that the cars were sent back and destroyed...don't know about the prototype. but uh, if anyone can refer me to a website with more info about this...i'd really be grateful.




  1. Lots of rumors about gas-saving vehicles and carburetors, etc have been flying around since the early 1930's, I guess, with big oil companies behind the "buy-outs" and subsequent "hushing-up" of this sort of stuff, and you can guess it was all just rumors, what is now known as "Urban Legends".  These surfaced in a number of places in the 1970-1980's gas "shortage crisis" age.  Cheers.

  2. There is a car over seas that run's on Air...I told him to create and engineer a 300 Anmp Alterrnator to correct stopping problem for more air needed..This way you can run a onboard compressor system design....(Pressure over Mass Physics ) Grabbing life by the Horns!

  3. Please put on your tin foil hat.  This will protect your brain (or what there is left of it) from further damage by the conspiracy theory rays you are being exposed to.  Please make sure it is a TIN foil hat as aluminum foil will not work.

  4. There are a lot of trolls posting here - I'm pretty sure you're referring to Methanol (M-85), which was considered dangerous to use for lots of reasons.  

    I don't know a historical site/reference, but you can search for M-85 and probably get something.  It was early 80's.

  5. no such thing other than electric cars. There have been rumors of 100 mpg carburetors, cars that ran on water etc. it's all BS. water is not a fuel, and I could prove mathematically why 100 mpg would only be possible in a small car on flat ground at 0-60 in 60 seconds, (come to hill and your done). remember acceleration requires energy applied. (basic physics) this is why true muscle cars that run the quarter mile in less than 10 seconds get around 5mpg. these rumors always start a friend's cousin's neighbors brother invented this but no one ever knows this persons name. and of course BIG OIL buried this invention which is why it's not available to make it more believable.

  6. I can not say about the 70- 80's, but did you know our cars were more "eco" friendly in the beginning, so here is a thought  to think about, why if we have had solar, wind and water for over 10,000 years as a working  energy supply, why then did we go for the high pollutants. The beginning of power for the US was supplied by HYDRO-ELECTRICS so why the slow move to improve?

    And No I am not a global warming the sky is falling cry er, It just simply make sense to think about how you use what is given unto you.

  7. The story your friend most likely is talking about is the EV1 from General Motors. It was late 90's though.

    There is a movie out called "Who Killed the Electric Car" which is full of conspiracy theories. (Including this one.)

    If you scroll down to "lev kits" on this link you will see a couple of examples of the offerings from the 70-80's fuel crisis.

  8. There was a myth of a car that ran on water that the government tried to squelch that was very popular.

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