
Can someone tell me some good drills and workouts for football?

by  |  earlier

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im in jr high and would like to get better at football




  1. UP DOWNS-run in place and have someone blow a whistle drop down as fast as possible and get back up as fast as possible

    leg lifts

    bear crawls-get on all fours while keeping arms and legs straight

    wind sprints

    and jog around the block

    ps take a five minute water break after doing about 2 drills and just do them and when you get tired stop practicing and go in for the day

  2. I can tell you what weightlifting exercises are crucial:

    Dead lifts power cleans and squats

    build you core and lower body strength

    make sure you do these safely and with supervision

  3. It depends on what position you're at

  4. Go to the Nike Sparq website.  The agility drills will do wonders for your development.  Never quit or get down on yourself.  You can get better.

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