
Can someone tell me some negative things that Jr does or has done??

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I have a friend who keeps digging up bad stuff about my driver and so I wanted to know if there is anything bad about dale jr that I could argue against that person with. I know therei s a lot of bad things about his fans (the ones that will be on here in a minute to curse me out) but I want to know some bad things about Jr that maybe not many people realize because I know he isnt perfect even though his fans try to act like he is.




  1. I am not a Dale, Jr. fan at all. But, in all fairness, not any driver is perfect.  I am very awed by and proud of Jeff Gordon for the way he uses a lot of his earnings. He has a foundation for leukemia, and a Children's Hospital. My little grandson, cured, met him at his Make A Wish trip in fontana. But, as for Dale, Jr., he seems to put his money elsewhere. Building that Whiskey River Club to me was such a waste, because instead of thinking of himself, he could have helped so many needy people. I think he is a womanizer and a drinker to the point that I will never be a big fan. He is a bit immoral. I think he is unhappy. He needs the Lord in his life. So, you asked, and those are my views. We all have our opinions.

  2. this is all to racin 12

    do you think dei is better with the crazy lady

    why didint kyle run in that charity race

    kyle spins pll out all the time

    jr has such a small ego its not funny he dosent think hes all that lets say kyle ego is a big as the world jrs is smaller than your d**k

    i realy havent seen him do that much wrong ive only been watcing for 2 ful years the worst ive seend him do is when him and khane were rubing a bit

  3. I agree with  what the second guy said. Dale Jr. spun out once to create a caution so his car can be worked on.

    Plus, I just don't like how he whines so much and how stuck

    up he is because of who his Dad is . And I don't like how

    much press he gets for not being that good of a driver.

    As you can tell, he is at the bottom of my list of drivers.

  4. I agree with Godsmack, he keeps things build up and dosn't really speak his mind.  He is not aggressive enough. When push comes to shove he should shove alot more.

  5. 1. demanded 51% of DEI even though it was not his. He thought he could use the power of all of his lunatic fans to win control of it, but luckily it didnt work

    2. he doesnt race in tony stewart prelude race because he likes to have the day off. thats dumb since it would raise more money if he was there but i guess he doesnt care about the charities

    3. one of earnhardt jrs friends told me that when he is at home he laughs at how ignorant his fans are for blindly buying his stuff and making him richer.

    4. he has spun people out before on purpose and admitted it but since it was jr people thought it was cool or something.

    5. he does not work well with his teammates.

    6. he seems to hate women and feel like they should be treated like its still 1800 and he would probably be an abusive and selfish husband.

    7. he has a huge ego

    8. he is not this shy southern boy as people think. in fact he is just as hollywood as jeff gordon just look at all the commercials and things he does for $$$

    9. he parties all the time and is lazy off track---not a great role model

  6. I heard he picks his nose, sometimes.

  7. The one thing I wish Jr. would change is not being more vocal about his trouble-making fans throwing beer cans on the track. I' ve been a Jr, fan since we lost his dad, and the only negative thing I can remember him doing on the track intentionally is racing Waltrip too rough in the All-Star race a couple of years back, and he ended up taking both of them out.

  8. I'm a Hamlin fan but I still think all you are trying to do is stir up c**p!! My mom is a Jr fan but she doesn't think he is perfect she just likes him and is loyal to him as a driver, is there anything wrong with that?

  9. I'm one of  his fans but I will tell you one. He spun out once to get a caution because he needed his car worked on.

  10. Win a race when he should have been disqualified for passing the pace car.

  11. Yeah,he didn,t shoot his step mom!!!!

  12. One negative thing he does is keeps stuff built up. He needs to speak his mind and say the problem. I mean come on, like no other driver has called another driver a moron. He needs to speak up!!!

  13. He forgot to pay his electric bill once. The electric company sent a notice then he payed it.

  14. He is just a billionaire doing nothing but milking the sport of everything it has left in it.  He isn't trying to win anymore races, heck a race win means absulutely nothing to him.  He has rode the shirt tail of his daddy every since he started.  He makes more in a day of selling shirts and used underwear to little titty boppers than he can make off winning a race.

    This little run of "going for the championship" is a ploy that all the "Over the hill drivers" turned to when they were in their 50's back in the day.  Jr is how old?  This is all he can do is climb aboard and "run for the championship".  He is going to "tippy toe through the tulips" his whole career.  Thanks Jr for being half a man.  They should have his face on a cereal box of Lucky Charms.  Wheaties is too much of a working mans cereal to have him on it...

  15. Blasphemy!  

    Main Entry: blas·phe·my  

    Pronunciation: \ˈblas-fə-mē\

    Function: noun

    Inflected Form(s): plural blas·phe·mies

    Date: 13th century

    1 a: the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for Jr b: the act of claiming the attributes of deity

    2: irreverence toward something considered sacred or inviolable.

    I will not be a part of this!  You all will be banished to he!!

  16. i have to agree with GODSMACK and some other people, he isnt aggressive enough, but then again, if he was aggressive, he could over do it, and then turn out like kyle busch, so, last year, he should have been more aggressive, and this year, and all his life, thats about it though!!

  17. Well, I can say I'm impressed with the Jr. fans that answered this question honestly.

    I was begining to think none of them saw any kind of flaws what so ever in their driver, and thought of him more as a diety that could do no wrong.

    To be able to accept that none of our drivers are perfect, and they all make mistakes shows humanity.

    And a TRUE fan accepts them for both their strengths and weaknesses.

  18. He said an unapproved word on live TV. He purposely spun out to bring out a caution that he needed and admitted it. Other than that not much. He is a good (not great yet) race car driver who has a huge following partly because of his name and the fact that he is a nice guy. One female fan I know thinks he's cute although  I don't see it myself.

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