
Can someone tell me something unique or cultural to do in Singapore, that is non touristic?

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Can someone tell me something unique or cultural to do in Singapore, that is non touristic?




  1. go spend some time at the hawker centre.. nyum...

  2. Enjoy the food. Every types of food, malay, chinese, indian, it! Make sure not only opt for the restaurants but also hawker stall/centre.

  3. Why are you paticular to find unique things and cultural values in S'pore and not touristic ?  Sound like an odd person in a wonderland.

    Make clear yourself ---- are you a writer, a musician, an artist, a photographer or a drama/play producer ---as you sound like ONE.  They are the type that needs the tickle for peculiar attraction/s.

    Go to round up the museums as I did in London   or the sungei road open street market for thrown away goods as at portabarrol sunday market for stolen goods.  More trilling, right?  

    For cultural type --- step in Victoria Theatre to attend a musical concert and a chance to see the old Empress Place at the S'pore Riverside and meet Raffles in stone form.   The old S'pore Conference Hall (old Union HQ), currently the S'pore Chinese Orchestra Centre for chinese music of S'pore origin.  The world famous Jazz Band which originated the piece --'Take Five' did do a combine play with the orchestra and was their first time in history. I have their autograghs on that night.

    Good, now try a visit to Changi Point/Changi Village/Beach to see a coastal village and the old pier to the coastal islands.  Pulua Ubin one  of the islands restored in original form will interest you.   At Changi close to the Changi Airport or Airtropolis, you will see airplane at close range for take-off or landing and is a beauty to watch.

    I think it shd be more than enough to encourage you to look for more of your taste & liking.  Oh!!! look at our unique HDB Housing Estate, cannot be found anywhere in the world.  It is again, original.  

  4. i agree with eTour Singapore haha.

    Little India has little surprises that are absolute fun to both tourists and locals. I never get tired of it everytime I go there and I've been here 23 years!

    It would be best to visit during a cultural holiday (chinese new year, eidilfitri, deepavali, eidiladha, hungry ghost festival!) cuz then u get to see  what locals do to celebrate (ignore the official celebrations which tend to be targetted at tourists).

    if u have a friend living in singapore it would be a good advantage to visit homes of locals. my favourite is thaipusam when Hindus pierce their bodies and carry heavy structures as an act of faith. that's smtg u dun see everyday.

    another thing cultural/non touristy are WEDDINGS!!!!!!

    malay weddings tend to be held in the common areas under the apartments (void decks). indian weddings tend to be held in community centres. chinese weddings are usually elsewhere but the tea ceremony and the shenanigans the groom has to go thru are a treat!

  5. Go to Chinatown to shop.

  6. none...everythg in Spore has been sadly commercialised...i am cracking my brains thinking of a place...the closest tat i can think of is some remnants of kampong houses in Lorong Buangkok...or a kampong mosque in Sembawang....or a walk in Pulau Ubin....

  7. The most unique or cultural thing in Singapore are; different race and religion can live together. You can walk in any temple, church, or any others you like. We will just welcome and would like to share with you the different race as well as religion.

    In singapore, a muslim can having meal together with other religion without any problem. And, all of us had no hard feeling against others.

  8. walk around the orchard road area, i guess, many things to see, for sure. singapore's got a lot of culture, well not much but its kinda mixed up. well, there's an island called Sentosa, i think u can take a bus there or something, its not too bad.

  9. Try Little India:

    1. get your hand henna-painted

    2. walk into any of the Hindu temples there

    3. learn the sitar there

    4. have masala tea at Tekka Market

  10. Haha!

    They squeeze out profits from ANYTHING here. So almost everything is touristy :p

    Go to a wet market, eat at hot & grimy hawker centres, go to a pasar malam (temporary night bazaars), live in a government flat with a local family..

    Other than that, you can drop by Little India - don't forget to check out Mustafa, our own 24-hour version of Harrod's, the back alleys, and the flea market. Or Pulau Ubin - a small island that's also a nature/mangrove reserve. Not amazing, but it's one of the last places in Singapore where you can find traditional ways of living.

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