
Can someone tell me step by step how to perform taraweeh prayers?

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I've tried lots of sites but they're all very vague so can someone tell me how? and I dont know the whole Quaran.... will that be a problem?

Ramadan Mubarak everyone!




  1. in simple, you pray anywhere from 8-20 rakaats with any surahs

    then you pray witr, which can be any odd numbered rakaat ex. 1,3,5 etc.  

  2. you read tarawih with isha namaz. isha namaz is read as follows:

    4 sunat

    4 farz

    2 sunat

    2 nafal

    3 witr

    2 nafal

    for tarawih namaz, you read isha namaz, then read tarawih between nafal and witr:

    4 sunat

    4 farz

    2 sunat

    2 nafal

    tarawih prayer

    3 witr

    2 nafal

    tarawih's are the same as nafals. many people read the quran in the tarawihs, but it is not compulsary. you sould read 20 tarawihs (read 2 nafals 10 times, so it is 20 rakats.)

    so with everything, to read tarawih namaz, you read the following:

    4 sunat

    4 farz

    2 sunat

    2 nafal

    2 rakat tarawih

    2 rakat tarawih

    2 rakat tarawih

    2 rakat tarawih

    2 rakat tarawih

    2 rakat tarawih

    2 rakat tarawih

    2 rakat tarawih

    2 rakat tarawih

    2 rakat tarawih

    2 rakat tarawih

    2 rakat tarawih

    2 rakat tarawih

    2 rakat tarawih

    2 rakat tarawih

    2 rakat tarawih

    2 rakat tarawih

    2 rakat tarawih

    2 rakat tarawih

    2 rakat tarawih

    3 witr

    2 nafal

    Ramzan Mubarak! May ALLAH accept all your prayers

    no, it is not compulsory to read any particular surat from the Quran

  3. its just like praying regular salahs

    maybe you shud pray ur taraweeh in the masjid with the women... in jama' ah

  4. Sis. it is easy, you pray in sets 2 ordinary rakaas starting from 4 to  20 , depends on your decision, you don't have to read the whole Qur'an, just what you can memorize, you can also read from Qur'an placed in front of you while praying, most scholars say that's permessible to do in salat al sunna, not in fard.

    and then, after finshing taraweeh, pray al shafaa and ae witr, shfaa 2 and witr one, try to make witr the last one before fajr, based upon hadith no 2 witr in one night.

  5. Tarawih consists of an even number of rak`ahs, performed two by two (as Fajr Prayer is performed). The number of rak`ahs is not fixed, but it usually is either 8 or 20.  After Tarawih you have to read the Witir prayer

    This will help you

  6. no fixed rakah

    2 units each time

    No u dont have to recite any particular Surah. just pray like u pray a normal nawafil  prayer.

  7. the Messenger of Allah (saas) was always consistent with eleven raka'ats for night prayers, according to his wife, 'Aishah (raa) who reported: "The Prophet never observed prayers after `Isha (night obligatory prayer) and before Fajr (morning prayer), more than eleven raka'ats. He saluted after every two raka'ats, and he prayed Witr with one raka'at". (Jama'ah, except Tirmidhi)

    In a different procedure, one may make four raka'ats, and salute, and continue with another four and salute, then he caps them with three raka'ats of Witr. 'Aishah (raa) reported: "The Prophet used to pray four raka'ats and one cannot describe their beauty, and their length, (he salutes) then makes another set of four raka'ats, one cannot describe their beauty and length, he then caps it with three raka'ats." (Agreed upon)

    As for the number of raka'ats in Taraweeh and Witr, the worthy ancestor, Salaf as-Saalih disagreed on the amount of Raka'ats. These numbers are mentioned for raka'ats: 39, 29, 23, 19, 13, and 11 raka'ats. Of all the numbers mentioned, none is sounder than 11 raka'ats. 'Aishah (raa) was asked how was the prayer of the Prophet (saas)? She replied: "He did not pray in Ramadan or some other times more than eleven raka'ats." (Muslim/Bukhari)

    What about the reward:

    The Ramadan nightly prayer has a special merit over other nights. The Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever observes night prayer in Ramadan as an expression of his faith and to seek reward from Allah, his previous sins will be blotted out." (Muslim)

    In this hadith, faith means faith in what Allah has promised the observers of night prayers. To seek reward mean, the observer's intent is not for eye service or seeking special recognition from someone.

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