
Can someone tell me the meaning of my dream?

by  |  earlier

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I usually never remember my dreams, maybe I'll remember them like once a month. But, in the past week and a half a remembered 5 or 6 dreams. And all of those dreams had the same person in it, all the dreams were different, but the same person was in all of them. That person, I have never met, but I would love to, I am a huge fan of them.

So....what do all of those dream mean??





  1. Maybe the time is right to make some plans for your life that you want to happen. Things you might have put off before because you thought they were out of your reach or you couldn't do them. I think the dream isn't about meeting that particular person its about being able to realise your dreams now. Take that chance, you may regret it if you don't.

  2. It would be nicer if we had just a little bit more info... But thats okay XD Well it sounds like this person is famous? Or semi famous?? Anybody can appear in your dreams- especially the more you think of them. Me and my friends often have the famous singers in our dreams- I really doubt it means much. Kinda fun though, when your famous with them, yunno?!?!?

  3. a huge fan. do u mean their like a  band or an actor??? because mayb its a sign that your gonna meet the person very soon.

  4. Honestly, you don't even know if this person exists. Give it a few days and see if you can still remember exactly what that person looks like. I'm interested though what happened in the dream?

    Maybe you'll see one day.

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