
Can someone tell me the story of Judas?

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  1. Judas was one of the disciples of Jesus, but he was the one who betrayed Jesus. He later on killed himself and was buried in the potter's field.

  2. He was an apostle of Jesus, but then he, for a large amount of money, told the romans were Jesus was at, I believe, and then he felt guilty, after they came after him, threw the money down, and killed himself, by hanging, i think.

  3. He  sold out  Jesus and then Biff killed him

  4. Judas was one of the 12 original apostles. The Gospel of Mark states that the chief priests were looking for a sly way to arrest Jesus. They chose not to do so during the feast because they were afraid that the people would riot; instead, they chose the night before the feast to arrest him. Satan enters Judas at this time, as described by the Gospel of Luke.According to the account given in the Gospel of John, Judas carried the disciples money bag, and for a bribe of thirty silver coins, Judas betrayed Jesus by identifying him with a kiss ["the kiss of Judas"], then Jesus was arrested by Roman authorities.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but Judas then felt guilty and hung himself.

    I know he hung himself, but not if it was because he was guilty.

    Hope this helps :)

  5. One of Jesus' disciples.  Betrayed Him for 30 pieces of silver and later hung himself.

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