
Can someone tell me the story of the llorona tha mexican tale?

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i'm doing a project for school ,does anybody know it?the mexican tale




  1. I don't know the full story but there is a great song where an old woman sings the tale to Frida Kahlo in the movie "Frida."  Check out the movie, it may give you some insight.  Here's the clip too:

  2. Are you sitting comfortably?  Turn down the lights.  Come a little closer to the fire.

    La Llorona is the ghost of a woman who cries because she drowned her children.  If you are visited by her, usually near a body of water, it means there will be a death soon, either you or someone close to you.

    There are many stories told about her.  In one version she was a very beautiful young girl who married the handsomest man.  They had two children, a boy and a girl, then her husband began sneaking out on her.  Finally he came home with his new girlfriend, and the woman was so upset she drowned her children in the river.  Later she realized what she had done and she killed herself.  The villagers buried her but often after that in the middle of the night they'd hear a woman crying for her children, and knew it was her ghost.  So they called her La Llorona, the crying woman.

    In another version she reaches the Pearly Gates and St. Peter asks her "Where are your children?"  He won't let her in without her children so she has to come back to earth as a ghost to search for the ghosts of her children.

    There are other stories of her told in Texas, Guatemala, Honduras, even Chile.

  3. supposedly a woman fell in love with a man in a higher social status than her.  She had 3 children but they never married.  The man's family had picked a wife for him and he married her.  on the day of the wedding she drowned his three children in a body of water to hurt him for not marrying her.  she then drowned herself.  upon entering heaven god told her that she could not enter until she found her kids.  she now roams near bodies of waters looking for the kid she drowned crying loudly.

  4. I dont know it but go on to google and search it

    im really sorry if wat i said didn't help

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