
Can someone tell me what are Saddam Hussein's cruel acts?

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I know he's a Mass murderer and genocide master, but what else?




  1. Wasn't he a rapist and adulterer?

  2. There are too many to name all but for one he used chemical weapons on his own Iraqi people, the kurds, which live in Northern Iraq. They are the only people in the country that actually love Americans. They also are trying to develop a independent state. They do not want to be a part of the country any more. They want peace and prosperity. Their section of the country welcomes Americans and has developed large malls, and other businesses that thrive there. Americans can walk down the street in that part of the country in total safety. Hussein also lived in wealth while his people starved. He killed any one who disagreed with him. He and his sons, who lived in palaces, had torture chambers, and even rape rooms. They found pornography in the palace, something muslims are not allowed to read.

  3. isn't that enough?

    however, (according so our oh so reliable and trustworthy government, which never, ever, ever lies to us, ever) he also harbored terrorists, killed his citizens if he didn't like them, and well, stuff like that.

  4. Isn't that enough?

  5. Are you actually looking for detailed acts?  One comes to mind, the chemical bombing of the Kurds in northern Iraq.

  6. He threw a puppy from a cliff. He was a conservative.

  7. well, he killed millions of women and men, um and, he well, he was a dictatior, right? and i really just don't like his attiude.

  8. Raising his children to be saddistic murderers.  They would eventually rule once he was gone.  Then the genocide  would've kicked into high gear.

  9. 1. Killing of kurdish in Iraq

    2. The reason why Sunni's and s**+'a's hate each other ONLY IN IRAQ because he was a sunni and decided to only favor the sunnis and killed s**+'as so when he died and america invaded Iraq al-queda brainwashed them into their past and how they lived, but only in iraq because the sunnis and s**+'as in middle east get along.

    3. Anyone that would go against his views was killed.

  10. You have the answer to your own question.

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