
Can someone tell me what country this is?

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I seem to remember reading about a country in school, but I can't seem to remember the name of it... It is driving me crazy!

It was a place where people from all over the world went to be free from things like religious persecution... It was founded on the principles of freedom and equality and, while they did have some MASSIVE problems in the beginning concerning the whole "equality" idea, they did finally start to figure it out. This country was seen as a beacon of hope, prosperity and safety for people of all cultures, all skin colors and all religions. It had a nickname... I may be wrong here, it's been a while since I was in school... I believe it was called "The Great Melting Pot". In this country, Christians, Muslims and Atheists could be free and feel safe, knowing that, while there were disagreements, they would not be persecuted for their beliefs...

I don't think it exists anymore, but... Does anyone remember what country this was?




  1. they would not be persecuted for their beliefs...>>>

    Tell that to

  2. Whoville

  3. Canada.....we're still here and multi-culturalism really takes a lot of work!

  4. Sadly every empire falls... though I think in your country's case, it's from the elite and internally, not outside aggression.

    But remember, what matters most is whether they wear a flag pin or not....

  5. You do realize all that flowery stuff about being a beacon of freedom and equality, hope and prosperity, etc etc is just something that they told you to make you feel like your country was the best one in the world, right?

    News flash: every country tells its people that it is the best country ever in the history of the world.  Yes, it's really true, and your vague description could apply to many different countries.  For example, look at Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, etc etc etc

    None of what the United States had done is original.  We weren't the first country to have a constitution like ours, nor were we the first country to grant human rights, freedom of religion, etc.  Poland's national symbol, for example, is the eagle, and Poland had been named "The Land of the Free" before the United States even existed.  Legal ideas such as "innocent until proven guilty", fair trials, and freedom of religion was something that Muslim countries started doing hundreds of years before the West even heard of it (and they weren't the first to do that either).  Need I go further...?

    The United States is just another country.  It had its ups and its downs, its successes and its failures, its high point and eventual death as newer, better countries catch on and steal the show.  By the way, you might want to keep a close eye on China for the next few decades.

  6. Obama will bring it back.

  7. it is called the united states of america. it does exist and that is where i am right now

  8. It is indeed sad commentary that your question is contextual. There is no place on earth where the Constitutional Convention of 1787 would have or could have occurred. No other context in which the "Grand Experiment" could have been launched. No other venue in which several genius patriots could have penned the brilliant treatise on our government form, the Federalist papers. No other country on earth at the time would have allowed and managed the popular ratification of our Constitution as did we. No, let no one mislead; America is indeed unique and very special.

    Hopefully, we will one day remember and take pride in our origins, as we once did. America, as we would have it be, must not perish.

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