
Can someone tell me what i must do to move to moscow russia?

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i wish to move to russia.i have no idea where to start.i have friends in moscow.i have my passport.where would i start to find out about moving?there is very much i need to know.if anyone can help me i thank you.





  1. Permanent Residence:

    Foreign citizens intending to permanently reside in Russia can obtain a permanent residence permit (vid na zhitelstvo) valid for five years that may be extended an unlimited number of times. Foreigners may apply for it at the local OVER/PVU based on their at least one-year residence in Russia. The application has to be filed no later than six months prior to the expiration of the temporary residence permit.

    The advantages of permanent resident status are ability to work in any part of Russia without a special permit; ability to choose a place of residence in Russia; ability to issue visa invitations to Russia for other foreign citizens in one’s own name.

    Temporary Residence: Temporary residence is granted for a three-year term. The issuance of temporary residence permits (razreshenie na vremennoe prozhivanie) is subject to a quota established annually by the Government for each separate region of Russia (the quota for the year 2003 was 90,000 for Moscow, 1,000 for St. Petersburg). Certain categories of foreign citizens are not subject to the quota, including, foreign citizens previously citizens of the USSR; foreigners married to Russians residing in Russia; and foreign investors making investments of a magnitude yet to be established.

    Temporary residence permits are issued by PASPORTNY STOL/PVU on the basis of an application filed personally by the foreign citizen. The application can be filed either with a local PASPORTNY STOL/PVU or with a Russian Embassy outside Russia and should be reviewed within 6 months. In case of approval, the foreigner can get a visa to enter Russia (visas for person temporarily residing in Russia) with a four-month validity period, which should be extended upon obtaining a temporary residence permit for a period of validity of such permit.

    The following documents are required to obtain a temporary residence permit: an application form; four photos; passport; police certificate; applicant's income papers; HIV certificate; and documentation that the foreign citizen is not a drug addict and does not have any infectious diseases.

    Foreign citizens who are not subject to the quota for the issuance of a temporary residence permits should additionally submit: marriage certificate and spouse’s passport (if the spouse is a Russian citizen); birth certificate or passport of a USSR citizen (for former Soviet/Russian citizens); document confirming that the foreign citizen has an established place to residence, or consent of Russian citizens registered in Russia at their place of residence to provide a place of residence for the foreign citizen.

    A foreigner who holds a temporary residence permit is not required to obtain a work permit if the place of employment is in the territory of the Russian administrative unit (subyekt) where the temporary residence permit was issued.

    Temporary residence status also has its own particular restrictions, including mandatory fingerprint registration, restrictions on change of residence within Russia, and annual registration with the internal affairs agencies.

    Evidence of temporary residence permit is a stamp "Разрешение на временное проживание" or Temporary Residence Permit, put into the bearer’s passport. The stamp is not/not sufficient for leaving the country. Based on the stamp the local passport authorities at the stamp issuing office only should give the bearer an exit-reentry visa. The stamp is useful and mandatory to have at the time of police document checks as a visa substitute. It will also help the person get a Russian visa outside Russia in case the exit-reentry visa is lost while traveling. Back to Top

  2. I think it's better to call or fist to take a look at the site of the Russian embassy in the USA (if it's where you live)

    moving to Russia constantly is possible if your employer from Russia will hire you or you'll transfer to the office of your company located in Russia.

    Or if you marry a Russian citizen.

    Other visas are for short stay.

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