
Can someone tell me what my contact lense prescription means?

by  |  earlier

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My prescription for the right eye is BC 8.8, DIA 14.4, and PWR -1.50 / -0.75x130

My left eye is BC 8.2, DIA 14.2, and PWR -6.00




  1. BC stands for Base Curve - that is the amount of curvature of the cornea of your eye.

    DIA stands for diameter - that is the size of your contact lens.

    PWR stands for the power of your prescription.

    Your right eye is nearsighted and has astigmatism.

    Your left eye is just nearsighted, no astigmatism, but the lens is pretty strong.

    So, either you are MUCH more nearsighted in your left eye than in your right, or your eye doctor is attempting to fit you with contacts as an alternative to giving you bifocals - in which case your right eye will be for reading, and the left will be for distance. It sounds complicated, but the brain is really good at compensating for the two different images.

    Hope that this answers your questions without too much info.

  2. It means what kind of vision you have

  3. -1.50 is the myopia and u have astism of -0.75 and the other eye is only -600

  4. BC is the curvature of the lens.  DIA is the overall diamter of the lens.  PWR is the strength of the prescription.  btw, your right eye is an astigmatic or toric contact.  you left off the most important parameter -  what brand of contact lens.  each lens will fit differently even if it has the same parameters

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