
Can someone tell me what school suplies isn't needed for a sixth grader?

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i already know they don't need crayons on anything for third grade and under but i think i might have missed something in those category's please tell me what a sixth grader does not need i really need the help before i pay a bunch of money that i did not have to spend thank you and give me all of your opinions...........thanks




  1. They didn't give you a list with your report card?

    Just buy the usual stuff: Pencils, pens, eraser, binders, white-out.. all that stuff. In 6th grade i don't remember if you need a calculator...

    Don't buy anything else. Your teacher will probably let you guys know if you need anything else and will give you a week to get it.

    That way you won't waste any money and you'll have everything you need, nothing you don't.  

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