
Can someone tell me what the signs show?

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My guyfrnd and I are very close. I sometimes think he likes me more than just as frnds but then there are other times when I rly don't know.

He sometimes says things such as: "You're the only person I can't lie to" or "You're the only person I can't yell back at " or "I could never get mad at you". He told me a few days ago that I mean the world to him. He texts me everyday and he often asks me to hang out with him (which I do).

He doesn't mind me calling him when he's asleep. He told me that I can call him and wake him up whenever I want to (even if it's for something small)

But then there are the other things he does that makes me think that he only sees me as a frnd,such as: He talks about other girls he likes in front of me, he sometimes cancels the plans we made to hang out with his guy friends.

I've been hinting that I like him but I have no idea if he likes me back. What do the signs show???




  1. That really depends on the person. I have a chick friend and I do those things to her, like texting and what not, but we both know I'm not after her in that way. Then again, he may really like you, so I would give it a little more time to see if he shows his true colors or not.

  2. He's into you, and you're into him. If you want to be honest with each other, time to have the conversation about it.

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