
Can someone tell me what this means??

by  |  earlier

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Okay, lately, as in the past 6 months or so lately, I've had dreams about tornadoes.

In the beginning it was silly little things, like that didn't make sense, like a red tornado that tap danced and stuff.

But lately, it's been getting worse and worse, and more and more real!

Like the dream I had last night, I woke up in tears because I thought it was real!

Can someone tell me what this means?!

I've had dreams come true before, so I'm scared this will happen!

I live about 25 miles north of Spokane, out in the country, and it doesn't seem like tornado territory, but I don't know.

Someone PLEASE help me!

These dreams are constant and it's freaking me out!





  1. Let me make it perfectly clear that no one can interpret dreams,those who claim they can or fake! Daniel in the Bible was gifted from God to interpret dreams for the King,needless to say there are no Daniels around today! Beware of so called Psychics who claim they can read your future,interpret dreams,talk to the dead and other garbage,as they are after one thing and that is to cheat you out of your hard earned cash! Rest easy for I to have had some horrific dreams and they quit as fast as they came and so will yours! You'll pay a self proclaimed Psychic but my advice is free and the truth! God-Bless!

  2. To see a tornado in your dream, suggests that you are experiencing some extreme emotional outbursts and temper tantrums. Is there a situation or relationship in your life that may be potentially destructive?

    Red is an indication of raw energy, force, vigor, intense passion, aggression, power, courage and passion. The color red has deep emotional and spiritual connotations.

    Red is also the color of danger, shame, sexual impulses and urges. Perhaps you need to stop and think about your actions.

  3. First of all, you need to realize that dreams are not pathways to the future. When you have a dream that "comes true," it's a very large coincidence. You have many more dreams that don't come true; you only notice the ones that do. What is happening with these recurring dreams is that your subconcious is trying to send you a message. I've done much research on dream interpretation and believe I can help you. But you need to put more details into the dream. Send me a message detailing it much more. And talk about the dream in the present tense, as in "I'm running from a tornado. The sky is turning red..." This will help you remember more details, beleive it or not. Without more details, dream interpretation is extremely difficult! But as far as I can tell, due to the fact your dreams are about torndaoes, you're having some sort of emotional problem. Your emotions are all over the place and possibly destructive. Are you having any relationship troubles? If so, get them resolved! Your brain is undergoing stress from the problem. If not, then put some more details in and I'll try to interpret correctly!

    EDIT: I'm sorry; I just have to chastise those who are saying that dream interpretation is a silly thing. It has nothing to do with black magic or any of that! Your subconcious tells you important things in your dreams whether you want ot hear it or not! Recurring dreams will not simply "just stop" as one ignorant poster said. They will continue until you figure out what they mean. Anyway, I sent you the interpretation. I hope it helps!

  4. i use 2 have dreams like that 2 for like 8 months,but othing did happen,but if u live on a hile ull b safe if anything does happen,tornadoes cant limb hills=-)


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