
Can someone tell me what this quote means? Please?

by Guest57886  |  earlier

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"You cant change another person. you can only be an outlet to help him change".





  1. people have personalities, and they can't be forced to change. You can help them change, but you have a small role in their changing. The outlet part is like a... pit crew to you, the crew fixes the tire and helps the car go, but the crew cheif is the outlet. That probably made no sense but i'm sure you get it.

    And you're welcome.

  2. Just because you want somebody to change doesn't mean they will. People think that if they love someone enough, or if they give someone everything it will make them change. It is not realistic. People will only change, and keep the change, if and when they are ready to. The only productive thing you can do is be a source of support for them.

    Think about it from this aspect. There is an addict who needs help, he has a family he needs to support and loved ones that want him to get the help he needs to stay clean. The addict can go in and out of rehab centers, and listen to his families crys but until he his ready to make the change he will continue to abuse the substance.

  3. well people can only change themselves, but they can give somebody else incentive to change themselves

  4. You cant chage who someone is. You can only ease the person away from his/her regular ways.

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