
Can someone tell me what to do?

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my dad passed away a few days ago and im really really really really upset i keep thinking about him the just bracking down and crying im starting a new school and i think im going to be really upset there but my dad allways use to say be positive can someone help me




  1. We are all very sorry for your loss. God bless you. God will give you the strength to survive the next several weeks.

  2. I'm really sorry to hear about your Dad. I can't imagine how much you must miss him. He sounded like he used to give you good advice but i guess its hard for you to feel positive right now.

    So, when you are ready, think about all the positive things your Dad brought to your life. Think of how he influenced you, encouraged you, supported you and loved you.

    What you are feeling is entirely normal - whilst this forum is good for getting advice its no substitute for talking to others around you who you trust and love and to share with them how you are feeling.

    You can start on the road to recovery from this by listening to what your Dad said to you about being positive. If he were still with you now - what would he say to you? What would you do that would make him proud of you in this situation?

    There are things in life we can't change but many things we can. Acknowledge your sadness, allow yourself to cry as this is the minds way of coping.

    I wish you all the luck in the world at your new school - be strong and study hard and always think about the great start in life you had with your Dad.

  3. yes, you father is right, you should be positive, dont let your self just in upset try to do the best for your father even though he has passed away, wish him be happy in here after...God always bless you  

  4. well, tell yourself that life isnt over.  

  5. Sorry for your loss. At the moment, because it is all so new to you, you will be feeling like this. It is right that you are mourning the loss of your father. School term is a little way away at the moment so I wouldn't worry about that yet. It sounds like you trusted him to be there for you, and although he isn't around physically, always remember that his spirit will be with you. He would want you to carry on with your life and do well in school. I lost my dad nearly 20 years ago, and thinking about him makes me cry a little! Sounds a bit corny, but you will feel better as time goes on, but you will never forget how he was there for you. Just live as he would have wanted you to and you will be fine. Good luck. X    

  6. I am very sorry to hear about your dad. I remember when my dad passed away, and how sad I felt about it. I spent many hours breaking down and crying too. It is okay to feel sad and it is okay to cry! IN fact, it is very normal to do so. It is very important to grieve the loss of a loved one, otherwise, what happens is we stuff our true feelings and end up doing stupid things later on in our lives, such as using drugs or alcohol, or fall into a depression, or worse. Perhaps you should take a couple of days off from school, until you have passed the breaking down and crying stage of your grieving process. But only a couple of days! Your father would want you to continue to do well at school for sure. He told you to always be positive and he is absolutely right! For every negative thought, you should replace it with two positive ones! When you have gotten past the crying for the most part, remember all the happy times with your father and all the positive things about him. I know he would want you to remember him in positive way, he would want you to be happy in your life. After you pass the crying stage, choose to not be saddened by the loss of your dad's life, but to celebrate the life he had and the time you had with him. I am sure he would want you to feel that way. Again, I am terribly sorry about your loss, and I hope you live a long and happy life yourself. May your father rest in peace and God bless you.

  7. When you feel really upset, try to remember all the good times you had with you dad and the things he used to say to encourage you.

    Grief is something which heals with time.  Don't be scared to cry, just let it all out and talk to your relatives if you can.

    Good luck with the new school.

  8. It is hard to lose parent or loved one. But you have to remember, all things pass away, and we have our allotted time. Think of what your dad hoped for you, and what plans or speculations he may have passed on to you.He is not gone as long as you are here to carry on his essence of life.He gave you the clue, be positive and carry on his legacy. Speak to your dad as you would when he was with you, assure him that you will make him proud, because as long as you carry the memory, and do what he expected of you, then he lives in your heart.

  9. Wow that is hard, so sorry.

    Everyone's life changes after the death of someone we love so much and you are at the beginning of your new life for two reasons with the new school as well.

    Take the great advice of your dad. Look on this as a positive thing. Take your new life eagerly and look forward to the things it has to offer.

    Our parents never leave us, they are part of us forever and their words and love encourage us on to new things.

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