
Can someone tell me what wrong with my soldier?

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My husband is about ready to face his second deployment he's been amazing other then a couple of jealous issues but nothing bad.. but this last 2 days he's been a complete jerk.. yelling at me over everything even the dishwasher, and throwing things and it's even gotten has bad has what I would think is the beginning signs of abuse. He refused to let me leave. he took the keys then ripped the phone out of the wall when I was going to call my friend to come get me. and was screaming and yelling. He's never done this before... I am not sure if its that he is leaving for Iraq in 6 days or what... But it's starting to freak me out.. is anyone else going through this or has any answers?? Is this normal for someone's second tour? Can someone please explain whats' going on with him




  1. it can be PST allot of people in the military go through these type of faces. also allot of c**p is going through his head as the time for deployment comes closer. he will get over it i know i did. if not talk to his first Sergeant he should be able to help you.

  2. its not PTSD, its typical, its how he is dealing with the stress.  you know he is not like this, just try your best not to set him over the edge and try your best to try to keep him happy.  I know this because I get the same way, I don't tell my wife how stressed I am, and try to play it tough, but my stress comes through by being easily annoyed and agitated.  I deploy soon too, and I am trying not to do this, but it does break through

  3. Deployment, or, no deployment. Give him a good sock in the nutz, if it gets to the point he's about to hit you. Abuse is no excuse. Army has zero tolerance.

  4. If you feel that you are in danger, call the police.

    Otherwise, try to be patient and enjoy the time you have together.

    Deployments are stressful for everyone involved.

    I recommend meeting with a chaplain.

    Alternatively, go the website below.

    They have a 24 hour confidential hot-line.

  5. He is feeling the stress of the upcoming deployment.  My husband and I never had many issues, until it was getting closer to me leaving.  I started doing all types of crazy s**+t and it was like i couldn't even control it.  It is the stress of being sad your leaving, but feeling like you are unable to feel sad or show your sad because you are suppose to be strong.  You are scared you are going to die, scared yoru spouse will find another, scared you will come back with one less limb.  You have to be strong for your Soldiers, so you have to hold it in and it boils over and you end up taking it out on the ones you love most.  I think that once he leaves he will be ok.  I know I was.

  6. It could be PTSD, either way your safety comes first and if he gets violent you HAVE to call the police. Also, when he feels calmer, talk to him about it an bring up the fact that he might have PTSD so he can get some help.

  7. This is very common for someone to act this way if they are being sent out war, especially if it's their 2nd tour.  He really doesn't want to leave again.  Just be careful when he gets back.  I'm sure you've heard all the horrific stories of soldiers coming back from war.  Good luck.

  8. Neglect on his return?

    Suspicion on things being move around the house?

    Hearing ghostly stories?

    Losing the trust in time?

    Look at the mirror on the wall.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

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