
Can someone tell me when the next census is published.?

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Can someone tell me when the next census is published.?




  1. 2011 and it'll be the 1911 census. I can't wait!!!

  2. Well it is hard to say because the way we transfer DATA has dramatically changed in the past 2 decades. What used to take years to compile now only takes weeks or days. Depending on the method used for the 2010 census, we may be able to see the published results in 6 months maybe sooner. Who knows how long it will take? Appropriation of federal monies for 1,000 programs administered by 26 federal agencies to state and local governments are at stake. Most of the funds for these programs are distributed by a formula that uses census data, such as total population, population by age group, gender, income, housing characteristics and others depending on the program. It is vitally important that a fast accurate census be the main focus. Will the US general population act quickly to fill out the form and send it back to the bureau of vital statistics in a timely manor. What influence will the Internet have on information gathering to help the census? Only time will tell. Maybe we can get Al Gore to help us out.

  3. I think its 2011 but thats the UK i think it might be different in different countries.

    hope that helped!!

  4. The national U.S census occurs every 10 years at the beggining  of the decade. Thus, the next one will be 2010. However, only general statistics/demographics generated from the census will be published. The last census where you can  view the actual census forms as they were collected with original handwritten data intact, is 1930.

  5. The next one will be in 2010 in the U.S. of A. Data will be published in 2010 as soon as the date is collected and assimilated.

    But, for names and such, you need to wait 70 years AFTER it is published....

  6. 2011 but it might be a little earlier you never know - its covered by the one hundred year privacy act

  7. UK answer.

    January 2nd 2012,  they count 100 years from 31st December 1911.

    Hope this helps.

  8. USA - Census Records have been taken every 10 years, since 1790.

    All US Census Records are kept private for 70 years.

    The 1930 Census was the last census made available to the public.

    Uk, other countries - have no idea.

  9. The full results of the 1911 UK census will be released in 2011 or 2012 but abridged results will be available from 2009.You can however obtain a specific address result now on a payment of £45 to the National Archives.

  10. There's a correction to the answers above. The US releases census data to the public every 72 years...not 70. The next one will be available in 2012, same as the UK. Canada has been fighting about the 1901 census and didn't release it in 2003 the way they were supposed to. If they continue fighting on the 1911 census, there's no telling how long it will take to release it.

  11. In the UK, the next  census will be done in 2011.  It should be published at the beginning of 2012.

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