
Can someone tell me why NASCAR is not banned in California or other states with high emission requirments?

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With all the changing laws to improve air quality in California, why is it that California still allows NASCAR to race in CA? I'm from Sacramento, and I have to get my car smogged every 2 years because it is barely passing the green house emissions. NASCAR is not helping CA here, especially for those who live in CA.

Why or how, isn't all the pro-green and anti-polluter politcal leaders doing anything about this?

NASCAR drivers don't even live in our state, but they can come drive 200 mph in our state and pollute the air we breathe.

Second, gas prices have really soared. NASCAR burns lead fuel. How is this helping our economy??

Last, I wrote to ESPN the following:

jay, ca: can we ban this sport? It is polluting our planet. How is nascar contributing to becoming more green?

David Newton of ESPN: (2:12 PM ET ) Do you own a car? If so, then maybe they should ban you from driving it. It polutes the air, you know.

What kind of response is this from ESPN??




  1. Why not band all football games, baseball games, soccer games, concerts and other events that draw millions of people, driving cars that pollute the air?

    NASCAR only runs two races a year and brings in millions of dollars to the economy. They run unleaded fuel not leaded, it does not harm the environment any more than your car and probably less. Eight of the drivers are from Ca, I didn't know you had to be a resident to drive in the state. How are you contributing to becoming more green? Maybe you should give up your car and get a bicycle. ESPN'S response was right on the money.

    I hope you secede in getting NASCAR band in Ca than it can return to it's rightful place, all though I doubt that the millions of CA. NASCAR fans agree with you. You Have a good day and don't forget to take your medication.

  2. Its only 43 cars.  They don't burn enough fuel (its unleaded not leaded) to effect gas prices or pollute enough air to have any effect on the climate compared to the millions of cars sitting in bumper to bumper traffic 2 times a day.  

    There are at least 2 NASCAR drivers from Cali.  Jeff Gordon and Kevin Harvick.

    BTW that's a great response.  While you are banning things you don't like ban all the rest of the sports since they take electricity to light their stadiums and fuel for their team jets and buses.  Get your hippy *** off the computer, shut the lights off, and go live off the land in a tent so you stop wasting anymore resources.

  3. I thought that all racing cars burned alcohol based fuels you always hear of the danger of fire in the pits as alcohol burns clear you don't see the fire,I have a hard time to believe they burn leaded gas as the octane in leaded gas is low and the higher the octane the More HP from the engine.A bigger concern is the HUGE CO2 levels in inside arenas from monster truck and moto cross events that people need to be concerned about for there own general health

  4. NASCAR is a redneck sport. Because of that, they are exempt from having to do overly responsible things.

  5. Because NASCAR brings in millions to the state, and when it comes to protecting the environment or making money, liberals states like California will always choose the money.

  6. they're morons.. you didn't really expect a answer did you? It's all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  7. I don't get why people even watch that.  How exciting NASCAR is. they are making a left turn, another left turn, I wonder what they are going to do next.

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