
Can someone tell me why does my sister wants to wax my legs?

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from time to time my younger sister keeps asking me can i wax your legs , can someone tell me why does she wants to wax my legs

she is 15




  1. *pfffft* dude you just made me spit out my beer. what the blood? hahaha, im sorry bro but i need a minute.

  2. cos women like to see men suffer

    you'll learn more about that when you're older


  3. coz u got no hairy cheeks!

  4. Because your legs are hairy and it looks bad. This is her polite way of trying to help you look better appreciate it, you have a nice sister.

  5. SHE'S a year older than me...

    well...she's showing to you how nice she is to you....

  6. better to Gage your reaction to the wax before trying it herself.

  7. Maybe she saw 40 year old virgin and wants to see you writhe in pain. The little vixen!

  8. She just wants to inflict pain on you. Its usually entertaining to see men go through painful beauty procedures that women commonly go through.

  9. leave the legs alone - talk her into giving you a back, crack and sac wax

  10. Hahaha...I always wanted to do weird things to my older brother too...she'll age out of it. Encourage her to find a female role model to help her experiment with all the awesome girly stuff she's just learning about.

  11. cuzz ur legs are probably disgustingly hairy??

  12. Because she needs practice. Also, your legs probably resemble an ape's and she's trying to tell you gently.

  13. She obviously wants to torture you.

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