
Can someone tell me why??? i mean seriously.....?

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If the "blackbox" flight recorder is never damaged during a plane crash, why isn't the whole d**n airplane made out of that stuff? then everybody would be safe even if they crashed...




  1. Airplanes must be made out of the lightest but strongest materials possible.  The majority of an airplane's shell is made out of aluminum (military planes will also use titanium on top of the wings), but aluminum is not the strongest metal there is.  Furthermore, The relative thickness of the metal on an airplane is, by necessity very thin, and it must be hollow, or it wouldn't be able to hold any passengers.  The wings and body must also have a particular shape and geometry in order to even be able to get off the ground (seen many flying boxes?)  This shape can handle stresses and forces in some directions, but not as well in others.   Finally, even if we could make an indestructible plane that would fly, if it crashed (due to icing on the wings, or lost engine,m or whatever), the people inside would still be subjected to MASSIVE deceleration upon impact, the force of which would still kill them.  It would be even more deadly without the body of the aircraft absorbing the force of the impact through crumpling.  (Cars are actually designed to crumple upon impact).

  2. I think that question has been asked before. I can only imagine that the reason is because its the information inside the box that doesnt get damaged, it cannot protect people.

  3. can someone tell me  how long do we have to see this same question over and over again? i mean seriously?

  4. OK, simple physics.  Even a plane remained totally intact when it crashed.  The sudden stop upon crashing would kill everyone inside.  

    Put some eggs in an Tupperware container and drop it ten feet if you want a demonstration.

    On impact they smash into a gooey pile of bones and blood.

  5. omg seriously?

  6. The "Black Box" is a device surrounded by the plane and the people. It is in a very well protected place. If planes were bigger and we sat inside a comparment inside the cabin, we would have a better chance of surviving but getting out would be interesting. People like window seats too and you would have to do away with that for protecting people. They could probably do it with what they have now but you would have to lower the ammount of passengers.

  7. Because the material that makes up a blackbox is far too heavy and uncoventional to be used in the construction of an aeroplane...anyway, blackboxes aren't built to accommodate anything more than the flight recorder and they can still be destroyed~

  8. it is not the recorder that is indestructible, it's the metal housing that they have around the recorder that is supposedly indestructible, but in some cases the flight recorders and Cockpit Voice Recorders have been damaged in some way that they cannot be read and investigators have to find another way to find the cause of some crashes.

    The real reason that they don't make the plane out of the housing material is because too much of in one space is way too heavy (after all, it is a heavy grade of steel) compared to other materials that are out on the market that are better building materials for aircraft.

  9. Seriously?

  10. Do you know how many ppl have asked this question b4? Just search the questions. If an airplane were made out of armored steel, it would be impossibly heavy.  Also, as others mentioned, the black box is not indestructible. The only reason it survives crashes is because of it's relatively small size, and the aircraft absorbing most of the crash force.  If the a/c was made out of the same material it would be much weaker than the black box because of its size. To give the aircraft the same strength as the black box, the material would have to be much thicker b/c of the aircraft's size. Additionally, even if an a/c were indestructible, the sudden large forces of a crash would still kill everyone on board.  People have a much better chance of surviving in an aluminum aircraft than an indestructible one.

  11. Probably because it wouldn't be able to fly??? The outside is made so that the plane can fly. Thats y the whole thing isn't made out of the blackbox/

  12. Even if it was constructed from the same material, a highly rated nickel alloy, it wouldn't be safe. Compare the relative sizes, shapes, and characteristics of a black box and a jet. You would not be able to construct an indestructible aircraft...and forget being able to fly it.

    AND...if they could make it all happen... there still is no insurance that everyone will be safe. A high speed plunge to the earth resulting in a violent impact would not be pretty.

  13. It is sometimes damaged.  Some are destroyed.  

    If a body comes to a stop suddenly enough, it dies even if the vehicle is entirely intact.

  14. Contrary to popular belief, the "Black Boxes" (actually painted bright orange) are frequently damaged in a severe plane crash.  They ARE NOT indestructible, or even particularly strongly built.

  15. bcuz the material is much to heavy and dense and the plane would never get off the ground. good idea though

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