Why is it that democrats wont stand up for anything? They just complain and I keep hearing the stupidest things such as:
"Bush killed 3000 of his own people on 9/11 because he wanted to go to war and lower gas prices" (Do you really think ANYONE could do that? Especially a religious man? Thats an insanely stupid theory and I tend to trust people in general, especially the president of the United States that WE ELECTED.)
"Voting in Florida was unfair because the voting machines didnt pick up all the pin things that they pushed in, some people didnt push it all the way in!" (WOW and WOW. Yeah okay maybe the Democrats dont know how to vote? Thats just completely stupid, if you want your candidate to win, know how TO VOTE FOR HIM.)
"Bush's brother was the governor of Florida, and therefore its unfair for him to win that state." (Umm, no its not. Just because hes the governor doesnt give him the power to manipulate every pollbooth. And if you have proof of manipulation do something about it jesus im all for being fair, but if you dont act on it, and would prefer to leave it and use it to make your party look more virtuous, well thats just f*cking stupid. And if I remember correctly, Bush was elected AGAIN? You would think the Dems could take advantage of a man that even turned Repubs (including me) against him, but I guess not.)
Just can someone explain whats up with the Democrats? I really dont understand them and from what I've seen they are either grass smoking hippies for "World Peace" or old rich people that dont know how to donate their own money to charity, and need the government to take it from them first.