
Can someone tell me why the democrats have no backbone?

by Guest32087  |  earlier

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Why is it that democrats wont stand up for anything? They just complain and I keep hearing the stupidest things such as:

"Bush killed 3000 of his own people on 9/11 because he wanted to go to war and lower gas prices" (Do you really think ANYONE could do that? Especially a religious man? Thats an insanely stupid theory and I tend to trust people in general, especially the president of the United States that WE ELECTED.)

"Voting in Florida was unfair because the voting machines didnt pick up all the pin things that they pushed in, some people didnt push it all the way in!" (WOW and WOW. Yeah okay maybe the Democrats dont know how to vote? Thats just completely stupid, if you want your candidate to win, know how TO VOTE FOR HIM.)

"Bush's brother was the governor of Florida, and therefore its unfair for him to win that state." (Umm, no its not. Just because hes the governor doesnt give him the power to manipulate every pollbooth. And if you have proof of manipulation do something about it jesus im all for being fair, but if you dont act on it, and would prefer to leave it and use it to make your party look more virtuous, well thats just f*cking stupid. And if I remember correctly, Bush was elected AGAIN? You would think the Dems could take advantage of a man that even turned Repubs (including me) against him, but I guess not.)

Just can someone explain whats up with the Democrats? I really dont understand them and from what I've seen they are either grass smoking hippies for "World Peace" or old rich people that dont know how to donate their own money to charity, and need the government to take it from them first.





  1. simple!  I am thoroughly convinced that liberalism is a mental disorder!

  2. You mean liker the heroic Republicans who allow Rush Limbaugh to give them their daily marching orders without once thinking about challenging his wisdom.

  3. As for the world trade center thing... yeah that is very lame.

    But the florida election in 2000 and the Ohio election were very shady. The problems in florida were rigged so the machines wouldn't work right. Proven by the fact that the paper used in certain areas was different then in others (weaker paper would tear and not punch clean) proving who was at fault and proving that it was deliberate is an impossibility.

    As far as the vote in Ohio, it has been proven that there was vote tampering and some have gone to jail. There is a very good reason why Blackwell is no longer in office.

    I will agree that there are many in the party that have simply lost their minds though.... I'm reminded of that everytime Obama is in the news.

  4. First of all you must not be old enough or smart enough to be asking such a question.I vote the way this country was brought up, Free, free to vote the way I want to , free to say what I want to, and even put the blame where it belongs...... G.W. Bush!! The down fall of this countries gas crises,it's economy(in the dumpster), and even our being at war(for what reason you can't even say why). I do agree, to say that Bush was in anyway responsible for 9/11 is stupid!! But to say that Democrats are the Rich and Lazy Party is also stupid!! In the 8 years that Clinton was in office he give everyone in the country, not once but twice a tax rebate refund, where as for Bush he only gave it to those that were of the UPPER INCOME and left the rest of the country asking why even Repubs.. it wasn't until this year (election year) that he gave us a gas tax refund; and yes that's all it was to help quail any bad feelings that might come from the voting Repubs. And as for the votes in Fl. under his brother, the Fl State Att.General was first employed by who, Oh yeah G.W. Bush and then given the office of Fl. State Att. Gen.during an -again Election Year, and then after all the votes were recounted what ever happened to that person no one seems to know --do you? So I would say to you before you again want to bad mouth any party of it's voting rights first stop and think what you want to say and then make it ture!!

    P.S What Wrong With World Peace!!!!!

  5. It's the liberal way.  Put anybody down while clamoring for diversity as long as it matches what they want.  Pathetic.

  6. Lazy, too liberal ??

  7. We have plenty of backbone, we beat the repubs in '06 and we'll do it again in '08 and here's what we stand for, shut your mouth it stops your ears from listening


    ...of conscience

    You have the right to think as you wish.

    ...of religion

    You have the right to worship as you please. The government has no business either supporting or opposing religion in general or any specific religion.

    ...of speech

    You have the right to express your views, whatever they may be. Only in the free marketplace of ideas can truth emerge.

    Civil rights

    All people are equal under the law. Any type of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or gender is not only inconsistent with a free and civil society, but is immoral as well.

    Universal public education

    Equality of opportunity requires all Americans to have access to a basic education consistent with maintaining informed citizenship and the ability to participate fully in society.

    Tolerance of Differences

    Because we are all unique beings, with different skills, needs, and wants, we must respect the life choices of others as long as their life choices do not infringe on the rights enjoyed by other citizens.

    A Social Safety Net

    Recognizing that circumstances beyond mortal control play a part in all our lives, a basic social safety net shall be avaliable to all who need it, not as a permanent lifestyle, but rather as a helping hand to get back on one's feet.

    Employees' Rights

    We spend most of our lives working. Work is the foundation of our economy and a major part of the glue holding together communities. The employee is an equal business partner with the employer, and as such, has the right to collectively bargain for terms of employment.

    Environmental Protection

    Contrary to some people's opinions, it is possible to both protect the environment and sustain economic growth. We support taking all reasonable and responsible steps to protect the environment and the species contained therein.

    Strong Families

    The family is the primary social unit in America. It must be respected, and encouraged in all its forms. Government should make policy with this in mind.


    With rights come responsibilities. Exercising our rights means taking responsibility for our actions, and their effects on others.

    Free Enterprise

    The capitalist economic system is the most efficient solution to providing for peoples' wants and needs. Government's role is that of a regulator, not a controller of industry, and any regulation must only be for the good of society as a whole, and not for the benefit of any one entity.

    Rule of Law

    Law is the framework in which society operates. There can be no society without justice. Justice means that those who commit crimes must be made to answer for them, and that the criminal code is fair and wisely constructed. When criminal actions go unpunished, respect for the law weakens. The law applies to all, including all agents of the government.

    ...most importantly, Progress

    Progress is what Liberalism really means; moral progress, economic progress, and social progress to benefit all humanity. This represents the path towards a better world. At its heart, Liberalism is an optimistic philosophy.

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