
Can someone tell me why this happens?

by  |  earlier

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sometimes i will get really hot, then i apparently get very pale, my stomach will start to hurt really, really bad, i will get dizzy and then its like my ears are stuffed with cotton balls, then i wont be able to move and i start to not be able to see or speak and the entire time i am burning up! usually water will make me better but im not dehydrated because i drink ALOT of water... does anyone know what is going on?




  1. you mentioned that you drink a lot of water. it is good to stay hydrated--but;, there is such a thing called toxic water posioning. you may be drinking too much water. you might want to get your blood sugar checked;, and blood pressure also. hope this helps. good luck!

  2. it could be a lot of things..

    you should go see a doctor.

  3. wow. that sounds serious, you should def go to the doctor!

    it sounds like something to do with blood pressure though..maybe your anemic...symptoms of anemia are:


    -fatigue easily,

    -appear pale,

    -develop palpitations (feeling of heart racing), and

    -become short of breath.

    Additional symptoms may include:

    -hair loss,

    -malaise (general sense of feeling unwell

  4. You could have low blood pressure. Either way, you need to go to a doctor. Something's stopping the blood and oxygen from getting to your brain.

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