
Can someone tell me why this woman ?

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thinks she looks nice dressed like this? Your views please




  1. Because she recently suffered a vision and sensory threatening brain tumour that no one but her knows about,

    well at least she's getting attention for it! even if its the wrong sort! :/

  2. Shes a right f**king mess!

  3. I don't even know who she is but as they say "in the PR world, even negative publicity is good publicity - and money couldn't have bought her this amount of free advertising!"

    All she had to do was dress like a dog's breakfast and parade in front of the paparazzi.

  4. The vast majority of women do not dress like her. It's not appealing. However if she chooses to dress like that then she should be allowed, it's not up to anyone else to decide how a person should look or act. If she's happy that way then so be it.  

  5. looks HOT 2 me !!!

  6. She like to get ppl attention

    like you for example

  7. Nar she grit.. Yuck

  8. Lets see, put it this way.  Do you ever have an off day?  Cant be bothered getting all done up?  Hmm yes?  No how you would feel if on that very day you had photographers flashing their cameras at you, catching you in your glory?  And then putting it in a newspaper.  I dont think you would like that.  I'm assuming that by your comment you are a very beautiful looking, fashionable person?  No?  Then hark at pot calling kettle black!   Give the girl a break really.

  9. That's not the best colour for her. She doesn't think she looks nice, though, she thinks she looks hot. & she's right, but only because she's about 80% naked...

  10. yes why does she dress like that? ewwwww maybe because she wants to get attention b/c she rarely gets any.

  11. eww. what a hoe.

  12. What does this have to do with the g*y/L*****n/bisexual/transgendered?

  13. 'cuz she's a tramp that's desperate for attention from everyone.

    haha the tail tattoo coming out of her butt crack is hilarious!

  14. most times women with money,thinks they could wear anything and look good,they don't stop and think that they are like any other woman only richer,I would say that she is abusive to her body, but she thinks she is making a statement,in her own way..mind you we do not like how she look,but there is some guys out there who would love it...and love to be with her,cause she is selling herself in a big way,I think it is all to get on the front page at all times,and have people talking ...I do not like the dress,or how it looked on her,she is beautiful,and could show her beauty in a better way,she will look even sexier..  

  15. Oh for goodness sake, she looks so ridiculous.  How can anyone find that attractive?  At the risk of seeming childish, my initial reaction was, eeeewwwwww.

  16. For feck's sake! I wear more than that to my bed! She always looks like she needs a good wash! She dresses like that because she sadly thinks it makes her attractive and has such low self esteem that getting her t*ts out is the only way she can get people to like her. Daft bint!

  17. Thats horrible i think you can dress s**y without going that far ! She's a dog anyways give me Jordan anytime lol =)

  18. It's part of celebrity culture I guess? Not that it's attractive or decent if anything dressing provocative like this girl is dangerous, disgraceful and a big turn off.

  19. I don't like her but i would love to see you in that very small dress

  20. who cares? she's smokin hot.

  21. Even hookers dress better her...eww!!.

  22. ew, shes horrible.


    LOL that chick in the back of the photo was checking

    out her

    "bum cleavage"


    she shouldn't think shes hot :|

    cus shes really not  

  23. Oh, come on now... lets give her the benefit of the doubt, Maybe she was on the way to go get some real cloths on, Maybe she just threw that whatever the heck it is on and walked out the door so she could go find some real cloths... Or maybe she could only afford to buy 10% of an outfit, so she covered the parts that could get her arrested... there are just so many reason she could have picked that atrocity...

  24. well i like the dress and her b***s but she shouldve pulled it up at the back more.

  25. she likes to do a britney once in a while doesnt most celebs

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