
Can someone tell my why my eye keeps twitching?

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my left eye has been twitching on and off for about a month now. The weird thing is it's not really an outer twitching. If I look in a mirror while my eye is twitching it looks normal, so it's not my eyelids or anything. It doesn't hurt at all it's just annoying. Now all of a sudden my left eye is red right at the corner and there is very minor pain, like I have something in there but I don't see anything. I wear contacts and my perscription is up to date. I haven't streched my contact past the point recommended by my doctor (I have 2 week lenses but my doctor said that I can safetly go a month before changing). Does anyone know why my eye is doing this and what I can do to make it go away. Thanks!




  1. I know what your eye has been driving me crazy it's been twitching for months on and off. I never had that before and it seems like everyone can see it but they say they can't which is strange. I think it's a calcium deficiency or stress. When i don't get a lot of sleep i drink alot of coffee which probobly doesn't help. It can be many reasons but you should go see a doctor and they might be able to help. If you wear contacts, that may also be the reason why. GL :)

  2. What a great patient you are, you listen to your doctor! I thank you for that.

    Twitching, mine does it all the time, once it was a month straight, at least twice a week, I'd make my doctor take a look at it (he's my boss) and he said it was stress (which really didn't surprise me) and if I wanted it to quit, I'd have to de-stress (of coarse, that's when I told him to de-stress, I would have to quit my job and he did not find that

    It's stress related, chill out and it will go away or find a constructive way to release stress, like working out.

  3. i dont know why its red or painful. but the twitch is just a little muscle.. and my eye and my arm did that before! its sooo weird. but i heard it can be caused from stress....

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