
Can someone tell what this might mean?

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A few years ago, i used to live in a college dorm with my ex-fiance. One night I fell asleep and in my dream i was in the same room, bed position, same everything. I heard an evil laugh and felt a presence in the room. However my entire body was paralyzed and even though i tried to move i couldnt. I tried to yell for my ex but i couldnt since my mouth was also paralyzed. Finally, i woke up and hugged my ex. The next following weeks i kept having the same dream, except there was no evil laugh and at the end of the dream i would end up draggin my body close to his as a means of protection. I havent had these dreams, except for maybe a couple of times since then. It is truly terrifying and im wondering what could it mean? Thanks for any help.




  1. Well, two things are positively it: a bad nightmare OR sleep paralysis. When having sleep paralysis, your body gets controlled by random hallucinations and when your muscles are unable to move; you are completely frozen stiff and your muscles, the trunk, limbs, etc. are numb (can't move). Usually it is caused from high stress, a lack of sleep, or the worst: hormones. The first thing you should do is to check up with a doctor. Other than that, get lots of rest, eat healthy, and good luck (be sure to check every single part of the link, all the way down to the bottom of the page)!

  2. Have you considered that perhaps you were experiencing something called "sleep paralysis"?  Check it out on Wiki.  I've never had it, but I've heard it's terrifying for those who have.  I've also heard it's less terrifying once you are aware of it.

    Either way, I don't see any reason to think this is nothing more than a normal nightmare.

  3. The paralyzed body bit. is sleep paralysis.

    It happens to virtually all of us every night. It is a safety feature to protect us from carrying out the actions in our dreams, and hurting or killing ourself.

    What happens in sleep paralysis is that the mind awakens before the body awakens.

    Nothing to worry about. In the future when this happens do NOT try to move large muscle groups because this will make the situation worse. Try to move a small muscle such as a finger or toe. This small movement cannot be life threatening, and you can be able to do it, and moving the finger of toe will help your body awaken.

    The evil laugh in the first epidode disturbs me; there may be a evil entity there. If you still live there; please contact a priest or exorcist.

    Feel free to check my blog on Yahoo 360 for tips on psychic self protection.

  4. I would say Peter D is correct! I have had this experience and the yes I was terrified. Some say your spirit is wanting to venture and see and do things while your body sleeps WHATEVER well I was told I woke up while my spirit was trying to go venture and needless to say I did not like that experience and not looking forward to it happening again. I felt like I had no control of what was happening and I heard a loud ringing in my ear from which I have no clue where it was coming from along with no motor skills that I could control. I couldn't move, speak, scream nothing it was horrifing!

  5. Dreams sometimes reveal how we really feel in our everyday lives. I f you had a Dream about being paralyzed, and couldn't call out, maybe that's how you really felt about you're relationship with your Ex. If he was keeping you from doing something, or trying to control you in some way, that might explain your feeling's of being paralyzed. And even though you wanted to call out, you felt doing so would fall on Deaf ears, ( your Ex ).

  6. I heard something about this on tv once, something about some kind of thing coming out of your body I can't really remember, I wish I could help more, but I know someone who has had kind of the same experience. Creepy.

  7. Feelings of paralysis, and also the opposite - things like being able to fly - are quite common in dreams.  Many people have them.  Nothing to worry about.


  8. Here's a link. YOU decide!

  9. This is what it feels like when you astral project and  re-enter your body. I can not tell  you what the evil laugh was about, perhaps it was not evil, but you were so discombobulated from the astral experience that you perceived the laughter as evil. This is common ... and the one thing you can do is to siliently say a prayer that if you are to astral that night, to please make sure that you have an easy return.

  10. Its called sleep paralysis and if you relax,  you could actually come out of your body,  which is called Astral Projection.

    You should be glad that you can do that naturally because so many people try hard to get to that point where you are at.

    check out this website:

    or look up Astral Projection


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