
Can someone that is on medical leave work another job

by  |  earlier

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i work with someone that is on medical leave from the city and work full time here can they do that




  1. It depends on the types of jobs and the disability they are collecting.  If a person who was a teacher has medical leave from that, for example, he or she could not teach but could do other types of work,  It just depends on the type of disablity and the specific contract.

  2. Nope! It's illegal.

  3. Do you know if they have paperwork from their doctor stating specifically that they cannot work?  Are they on workers comp or FMLA?  From what I understand, the employer that your friend is on leave from has every right to fire them if they find out they are working - especially if they are collecting a paycheck and then working full time somewhere else.  They may even have to pay back any money if the employer finds out.  It also depends on what state you live in and the laws regarding a medical leave.  

  4. if they are collecting disability it is insurance fraud, which is a criminal offense

  5. no she should not work at all. if you are on leave then be on leave you are hurting yourself by tring to work.  

  6. NOT

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