
Can someone think of an idea?

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My science project over the summer is about creating a science question with a quote.

Here are the quotes:

*Make sure that this is a question I can solve for if I'm in 6th grade, and I can test it out and write a lab report about it*

When clouds look like rocks and towers, te earth will be refreshed by showers.

High clouds indicate fine weather will prevail;lower clouds mean rain.

Birds fly higher when fair weather is on the way.

Here is an example:

Red sky at night,sailors delight

Red sky in the morning,sailors take warning

This folktale can be restated as "Does a red sunset indicate fair weather for the following day?"




  1. I've heard "Showers by seven, done by eleven" (rain by 7 am, done by 11 am).  Not real sure if this is what you are looking for or not.  You could write a report on that, i guess.

    I found this article:

    Meteorologists with scientific instruments are not the only people who have predicted the weather! Throughout time, everyday  people, especially those whose jobs depend on nature (such as farmers), have carefully watched patterns in nature and made their own predictions. Many times they made their own predictions into sayings or folkloric rhymes. Some of these predictions prove to be true. Some are not true or not always true.

    Here are just some. Ask students to find others. There are many, many of these sayings.

    If the groundhog sees its shadow on February 2nd, there will be another six weeks of winter.

    When squirrels lay in a big store of nuts, look for a hard winter.

    Lightning never strikes in the same place.

    When bees stay close to the hive, rain is close by.

    Halos around the moon or sun mean that rain will surely come.

    When forest murmurs and mountain roars, close the windows and shut the doors.

    Moss dry, sunny sky; moss wet, rain you'll get.

    You can tell the temperature by counting a cricket's chirps.

    By counting the seconds between seeing lightning and hearing thunder,

    you can tell how far away a storm is.

    When smoke desccends, good weather ends.

    Red sky at morning, sailors take warning

    Red sky at night, sailor's delight.

    A cow's tail to the west is weather coming at its best;

    a cow's tail to the east is weather coming at its least.

    Rain is on the way if people with curly hair find their hair curlier

    and people with straight hair find their hair straighter.

    Before a rainstorm-cats will clean themselves more and meow more

    -pigs wallow about and squeal

    -cows huddle together as is seeking comfort from each other

    -horses "switch and twitch" and sometimes bolt

    -insects fly low and bite more

    -birds chirp more loudly

    When a rainstom is coming-dandelions close their blossoms tightly

    -morning glories "tuck in" their blooms as if ready for a long nap

    -clover folds up its leaves

    -leaves on many trees roll up or show their undersides

    Rain is on the way when old people with joint or muscle problems such as

    rheumatism or arthritis have stiffness and discomfort

    Flies will swarm before a storm.

    Red sky at night, sailor's delight,

    Red sky in morning, sailor's warning.

    Ring around the sun, time for fun,

    Ring around the moon, storm coming soon.

    If the moon rises with a halo round,

    Soon we'll tread on deluged ground.

    Snow like cotton,soon forgotten-

    Snow like meal, it'll snow a great deal.

    Mackerel sky and mares' tails,

    Makes a sailor furl his sails.

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