
Can someone trade me a larvitar, pupitar, tyranitar on pokemon d/p?

by  |  earlier

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I can trade you a pokemon like shedinja or something just tell me what you want and I'll see if I have it




  1. guest5409 whats your email

  2. guest 1283 ill trade you a cyndicyl fo larvitar my friend code is 3309 5449 3536 i already added you but meet me in the union room.

  3. guest 1283 ill trade you a cyndicyl fo larvitar my friend code is 3309 5449 3536 i already added you but meet me in the union room.

  4. hey guest 1283, i wanna trade for a larvitar, i have a charmander and torchic, choose 1 of them. oh and by the way, tell me whenever you wanna trade already. k? i already added you and my friend code is : 0990-1825-5210.

  5. hey guest 1283, i wanna trade for a larvitar, i have a charmander and torchic, choose 1 of them.

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