
Can someone translate Vietnamese to English for me?

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cac ban than men ! trang web la mot trang web ve thong tin va noi dung cua le hoi hoa Anh Dao dien ra hang nam tai hanoi. hien tai de phat trien trang web voi mong muon den van hoa Nhat Ban den gan hon voi cac ban tre VietNam chung toi rat mong nhan duoc nhung y kien dong gop cua cac ban,va nhung bai viet ve van hoa Nhat Ban cua cac ban se lam trang web them phong phu va pt hon.Rat mong nhan duoc moi y kien, bai viet dong gop cua cac ban. moi y kien dong gop cua cac ban xin gui ve hom thu m****** .Xin hay gui tin nhan nay voi moi nguoi trong list cua cac ban. chung toi xin chan thanh cam on !




  1. i only know the first two words. its my friends. haha. im still only learning

  2. Dear friends! is a website containing information about the annual Cherry Blossoms festival in Ha Noi.  In order to expand the website with the hope of educating Vietnamese youths about the Japanese culture, we hope to receive your suggestions and essays about the Japanese culture to improve and enrich the website.  We welcome all suggestions and essays.  Please send them to m**** and forward this message to your friends and contacts.  Thank you very much.

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