
Can someone translate from Italian to English for me??

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the information under the CHI heading. Thanks a lot.




  1. Babelfish will do it for you:

  2. Yeah me

  3. Serious Andrea?ato to Carrara 23 November 1973.

    He has attended the Artistic Grammar school Be them of Carrara and subsequently the European Institute of Design of Turin, graduating itself in Illustration in 1996. In 1998 he has gained the first edition of the Trophy Peter Fuse, competition for young esordienti designers organized from AnonimaFumetti in order then to adjudicate itself, the following year, the special mention of the specialistic giuria.

    Always in 1999, the Scarabeo of Turin has begun the collaboration with Editions of Art, with which the "Tarocchi di Dante" has published in the 2001 (witnesses of Giordano Berti), in the 2004 the "Liber T - Tarocchi of Eternal Stars" (devised from Roberto Negrini). Parallel, it has realized some manifestos and covered some for the Segni&Disegni Editions.

    In 2002 it has supplied the images for the cover and the booklet of the disc "In Cattivit?(Ed. Universal Music-2003) of the Quintorigo, for which the graphical garment of promo-cd "the Force of the Past" had gi?urato, sonorous column of omonimo the film directed from Piergiorgio g*y (in competition to the LXX Extension of the Cinema of Venice).

    For the moment it is preparing, in combutta with the scripteriter Manfredi Toraldo, the serious debut in the restless world of the Ninth Art with one graphic-novel from... decidedly yellow atmospheres, without to set aside (the fantomatico one) plan "Massamalata", thought from the friend John DeLeo, incubus in the destined drawer to times gets worse.

    Superdilettante, seeds-espressionista, natural-Mattottiano, Jimi-Hendrixiano, cronicamente-malatosano, from always gotten passionate of analogous music, cinemas, literature and, not necessarily in this order and preferibilmente not disgiunti, nutre exchanged again avversit?er the computer(s) and digita on the keyboard, as it made Truffaut, with a single finger.

    From some alive years and he colors to Sarre, in Goes them of Aosta.


  5. get a translator program....

  6. I would love to but thats to...much to translate

  7. :: WHO ::

    Andrea Serio was born in Carrara november 23rd 1973.

    He frequented the Liceo Artistico Statale di Carrara and also successfully the Istituto Europeo di Design di Torino, making his diploma in illustration in 1996. 1998 he has won the first edition of the Trofeo Pietro Miccia, competition for young upcoming designers organized by AnonimaFumetti for later getting the special mention by the specialized jury.

    Still in 1999, he started to collaborate with the le Edizioni d'Arte Lo Scarabeo di Torino, with whom he published i "Tarocchi di Dante" (testi di Giordano Berti) in 2001, i "Liber T - Tarocchi delle Stelle Eterne" (ideati da Roberto Negrini) in 2004. Parallel he realized many manifests and covers for le Edizioni Segni&Disegni.

    In 2002 he fournished the images for the cover and the booklet of the disc "In Cattività" (Ed. Universal Music-2003) by Quintorigo, for whom he already cared about the graphics of their promo-cd "La Forza del Passato", soundscape for the great film directed by Piergiorgio g*y (in competition at the LXX show of the Cinema di Venezia).

    At the moment he's preparing, together with the scenist Manfredi Toraldo, his serious debut in the world of the ninth art with a graphic novel with atmospheres that are definately ... yellow, without talking about the (phantomatic?) project "Massamalata (theillmasses)", thought by the friend John DeLeo, included in the cassette designed  for worser times.

    Superdilettant, semi-espressionist, natural-Mattottiano, Jimi-Hendrixiano, cronically-sane/insane, since ever passionated by music, cinema, writings and affiliated, not necessarly in this order and preferably not separated, nourishes exchanged aversity against the computer(s) and digits on its keyboard with one finger only, like Truffault.

    Since many years he lives and paints in Sarre, in Valle d'Aosta.

    The egg (and the chicken)

    by +cLdG+

    Its the inspiration from a model that conditions the artistic talent, or it is it  this last that searches autonomically for expressionistic forms in which reckognize the own original creative code?

    If by one look, certainly, one can affirm that (citing with respect and lucid sense of proportion the words from Schiele about Klimt) that Andrea Serio had  "gon through the art" of Lorenzo Mattotti, and had suffered the fascination and the evident influence, on the other hand it is also legitimate to subline that this coming closer to the Master was purely instinctive, rigorously honest, and essentially necessary.

    Only a natural expressionistic tension and an instinctive aesthetic-conceptual aversion in the confrontation with the obvious (sustained by solid technical capacities) were able to push that artist on streets that are so badly made and reachable with difficulties, more than the long frequentated places of the classical illustration, where the clones of the Big artists like Moebius, Jimenez, Bilal, Cavazzano, are condensating themselves in real and proper  "style schools" from whoever is suspect.

    The "Mattotti-style", so markedly complex and really alternative, finds in Andrea Serio his maybe only allie and spies on him for his originality, with ease on the constant confrontation with the Maestro.

    It would be, in my eyes, important to be able to distinguish the rude and cutting lines from Mattotti, and those sinuos traces in "point of crayon" by Serio;between the colors like pittoresc traces, expressionistic at first sight, and the the delicacy of the outlines (or fillings) at second; between the black that is inbetween the oter colors and the black that illuminates the paintings of Serio. Between the melancholic poetry of Mattotti, potent and with decadent traits, and this also melancholic, but alwas esthetically "graced" way of for making some examples.

    It would be even more important to make the distinction between a remake and reproductions, between inspiration and imitation, between style and looking alike, between model and stamp.

    Definately, it would maybe make sense (and also more constructive) to let go once the irresolvable dilemma that arises from his descendants and identify the egg and the chicken like two different forms distincted by a creative process.

    Uff. that's it, translated by myself. Its certainly not the best translation there ever was but here it is, more or less.

  8. yes..but what?????

  9. Andrea, usa la traduzione di Loony Liz. Quella di femeft125 e' completamente fuori. Deve avere usato uno di quei programmi di traduzione automatici.

    Fidati di me. Dopo tutto siamo vicini di casa, no?

  10. I would but the music is driving me insane!!!!

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