
Can someone translate that for me (German to English)?

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Nachdem das Kind in XXXX geboren wurde, bekommen Sie von dort auch eine Geburtsurkunde in die die Namensänderung eingetragen wird. Nachdem Sie einen Nachweis über die Namensänderung (Namenserteilung durch den Ehemann der Mutter) benötigen, wäre es ratsam sich eine sog. "Abstammungsurkunde" ausstellen zu lassen, diese bekommen sie ebenfalls beim Standesamt XXXX, eben dort, wo das Kind geboren ist. Alternativ kann sich die Mutter des Kindes aber auch eine Bescheinigung über die Namensänderung ausstellen lassen, dazu müsste sie aber wissen ob diese Namenserteilung beim Standesamt XXXX oder bei einem anderen Standesamt gemacht wurde (XXXX). Auf jeden Fall bekommen Sie beide Dokumente beim Standesamt, nicht beim Landratsamt.

Sinnvoll wäre evtl. auch die Ausstellung einer internat. Geburtsurkunde, dann sparen Sie sich die Übersetzung der Urkunde in die englische Sparache.

Hier noch die Adresse vom Standesamt XXXX




  1. After the child was born in XXXX, you will also get a certificate of birth from there, in which the change of name will be recorded. After you require a proof about the change of name (granting of name by the husband of the mother), it would be advisable to have a so called "Descent Certificate" issued. You will also get this at the Registrar's Office XXXX, there where the child was born. Alternatively however, the mother of the child may have a certificate of the change of name issued, but therefore she must know whether the granting of name was done by the Registrar's Office XXXX or at another Registrar's Office (XXXX). In any case you get both documents at the Registrar's Office (note: of the town, "Standesamt") and not at the District's Administration Office (note: office of the District Magistrate, "Landratsamt").

    Advisable would possibly be the issue of an International Birth Certificate, this would safe you the translation to the English language.

    Attached find the address of the Registrar's Office XXXX.

  2. After the child is born in XXXX, you will also receive a birth certificate, in which the change of name will be recorded. Once you require a proof about the change of name (granting of name by the husband of the child's mother), it would be advisable to have a so-called "Descent Certificate" (ed. Certificate of Kinship, basically) issued. You will also receive this at the Registrar's Office XXXX, where the child was born. Alternatively, the mother of the child may allow a certificate of name change to be issued, but she must know whether the granting of name was done by the Registrar's Office XXXX or at another Registrar's Office (XXXX). In either case you recieve both documents at the Registrar's Office (ed. Standesamt, of the town) and not at the District's Administration Office (ed. Landratsamt, of the District Magistrate).

    The issue of an International Birth Certificate would be advisable, as it would safe you the translation to the English language.

    Attached is the address of the Registrar's Office XXXX.

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