
Can someone translate the following French to English for me? Thanks?

by Guest58620  |  earlier

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debut septembre

bonjour !

je suis de passage à Paris et en ouvrant mon courrier je réalise que mon fils rentre en pension le 5 septembre

et je pense avoir fait une erreur de date de disponibilité

merci de bien vouloir vérifier





  1. start of September


    I'm passing through Paris and while opening my mail I've realised that my son has a B&B booked for the 5th of September and I think I've made a mistake re. availability dates

    please can you confirm the availability dates

    excuse me

    Doesn't sound much like a native speaker writing...perhaps an American who has lived a few years in France without really having any French lessons?

  2. i agree with rosbif, i'd translate like he did!

  3. Hi,

    Today I am in Paris. I need a cheking.

    My son will be pensioned the 5th septembre.

    it must have on mistake on the date.


  4. Beginning of September

    I'm actually passing through Paris and when opening my mail I realised that my son's first day in a boarding school is planned to be on the 5th of September and I believe I've made a mistake about the date

    Thank you for checking

    So sorry !

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