
Can someone translate this German into English please?

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keule ich hab neue skates

aber kein geld mehr für schottland haha

egal lan neue skates wichtiger




  1. 'keule' (is that a name?) I got new skates

    but no money for scottland anymore haha

    never mind 'Ian' (name???) new skates are more important

    Keule would mean 'club,cudgel or mace' but that wouldn't make sense.

  2. I have to go with Blue on this one

    not a great wording in German I too would say:

    Cool I have new skates. But I have no money for Scotland haha, the skates are more important.

    Thats the best I could do for you.

  3. "Keule" is a degrading word for female friend / girl friend. It's slang.

    the rest has been translated correctly.

  4. Chick, I have new skates. But I don't have any money for Scottland anymore. HAHA. Whatever, new skates are more important

  5. KEULE means BROTHER in Eastern Germany.

    People from Northern Germany call each other sometimes KEULE as well, which then means DUDE.

    Brother/Dude, I got new skates.

    blue_daffodil2005 got the rest right, though.

    geier, I actually know a lot of people from the North, who call each other Keule, a lot of them being my friends, not idiots. Grew up in Kiel.

  6. noone in north germany calls someone Keule

    keule is considered a bit idiotic here

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