
Can someone translate this Swedish video for me pleeeease?

by  |  earlier

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It should be on this page... the bottom one that shows a bluish picture of him. It's an interview with Basshunter where they talk about the semi-pornographic pictures (supposedly) of him and his girlfriend that are on the internet. I want to know if he's saying it's true or not!

I've looked everywhere for info, but it's all so garbled.. I'll accept nothing other than what comes out of his mouth in this video as the truth.

So..... anyone speak Swedish?




  1. Ok he explained that he's aware that the pictures got out, but they were intended for private use. He doesn't really care about the publicity because he says he has nothing to be ashamed of (such as he doesn't have a small p***s), although he would have prefered to be a bit more suntanned and had worked out more.

  2. He basically confirmed that they were real by saying "I'm just a little bit bummed that I was so flabby back then" and continues with "I've taken new pictures, but those will hopefully not leak out". He says that he doesn't have to be ashamed over the pictures because he is proud over his p***s and that the pictures is giving him good promotion.

    And btw, he's a nerd.

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