
Can someone translate this for me please, thnx?

by  |  earlier

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  1. well i went to the dictionary .com translateor and this is wat i got

    Good Hisashi sinking 联 system, recently 忙 什 么 呢? 51 yes from here Ryo under rest one 吧, the associate 备 leaving 哪 village 玩?

  2. I answered this somewhere else for you.

    'Its been a long time since we've been in touch, what have you been up to? You can rest on Labour's Day (May first, 五一), where are you prepared to go?

    That's Chinese simplified.  

  3. It's a long time since we last contact each other. What are you busying with lately? You can rest for a while on Labor day. Where do you prepare to go for enjoyment?

    Just a few note:

    五一 means 1st May, hence labour day

    玩 means play, however sometimes it can be refer as enjoy or advanture.

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