
Can someone translate this from spanish to english for me?

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mi amor ahora soy yo la que te pide disculpas por no haberte escrito antes pero estuve hospitalizada por cuestiones de la gastritis pero ahora me siento un poco mejor y por eso pude venir a escribirte y en cuanto a mi viaje a manizales es verdad pero voy a estudiar en la noche y buscare un trabajo para el dia,mi amor creo nunca te habia pedido nada pero ahora necesito un favor tuyo y es de plata perdoname si crees que abuso si no puedes por favor me lo dices y si puedes te lo agradecere y ahora quiero que me digas,tu me habias dicho que queria venir ahora en mayo y no me has dicho nada de eso pero para mi seria genial si estas conmigo recuerda que te amo te me cuidas mucho y mi angel te acompañara siempre mil besos bye.....




  1. it means exactly this word by word=

    my love now it's me who is apologizing

    for not writing you before

    but i was hospitalized for gastritis but now i feel a little bit better and that is why i came to write to you and about my trip to manizales it's true but I'm going to study at night and search for a day job

    my love i believe that i have never asked you for anything but now i need a favor from you and it's money related(plata means money in diff parts of latin america ) forgive me if you believe I'm taking advantage of you if you can't do it please tell me and if you can also please let me know ill appreciated and now i want you to tell me about what you told me about coming in may but have not said anything else about it i hope you do it would be great! if you were with me remember i love you and take care of yourself. my angel will accompany you a thousand kisses bye

    silver... lol;-)

  2. my love me now that you apologized for not haberte written before but I was hospitalized because of gastritis but now I feel a little better and that's why I come and write about my trip to Manizales is true but I will study at night and seek a job for the day, my love will never believe you had asked for nothing but now I need a favour and yours is silver Forgive me if you think abuse if you can not please me if what you say and what you can and agradecere Now I want you to tell me, you'd said that I wanted to come now in May and has not said anything to me but that would be great for me if these reminds me that I love you I will take care much my angel and you always accompany thousand kisses bye. ....

  3. my love now it is me who is the one that asks you for excuses for not having written yourself earlier but I was hospitalized by questions of the gastritis but now I feel a little better and that's why I could come to write to you and as for my trip to manizales is true but I am going to study in the night and I will look for a work for the day, my love believes that he had never asked you for anything but now I need a favor of yours and it is of silver....? excuse to me if you believe that I abuse if you cannot please you say it to me and if you can I will be grateful for it to you and now I want that you say to me, you had said to me that it wanted to come now in May and you have not said anything to me about that but for me it would be brilliant if these with me he remembers that I love you you look after me a lot of and my angel will always accompany you thousand kisses bye....

    I think...I hope this helps.

  4. My love it is I that asks for forgiveness now for not writting to you before, but I was hospitalized because of gastratis but now i feel a little bit better and that is why I could come and write to you and as for my trip to manizales it is true but i will be studying at night and I will look for a job during the day, my love i believe that I have never asked you for anything but now i need a favor from you and it is about money forgive me i you think that i am using you but if you can't please let me know and if you can i would appreciate it and now I want you to tell me, you had said that you wanted to come in may but you haven't said anything about that anymore for me it would be great if you could be with me remember that I love you take care of yourself and my angel will always acompany you thousands of kisses bye.....

  5. 2345s translation is decent. However, how long have you known this person? How much money are they asking you for? I would use EXTREME caution in sending Money to someone I didnt know well. It is a very common practice in Colombia for women to ask for money. The concept of a prepaga is that you buy her stuff or send her money if you are in the US and when you visit you get what you want. If she works, BY LAW, she has to be affiliated with a medical plan. So, if she works, she has to have health insurance. And if she does work you are getting rooked. I had a GF there in 06 who was forever asking for me to send money (I said no) and when I was there wanted Viki Tcherasi shoes and food at Luna and Amarti. I would be super, super cautious.

  6. 2345 is right the first 2 not... i would translate myself but it willbe like 2345 so better safe time...

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