
Can someone type this in french?

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like a few sentence or a paragraph using -er verbs. It can be a really short story, or just things that have happened. Just include 8 -er verbs.




  1. My apologies good sir. Please excuse the 3 fools above. Not all French people are so low-class. They are idiots don't listen to them.

  2. Verbs in ER :











    Well, now look for the meaning of these verbs..but my guess is : you are too lazy and you prefer to ask someone to do your HW... Sorry don't count on me!

    French native/French tutor and English to French translator

    @Angry : what a beautiful pseudo you have ..angry? tells a lot about you! So..I am a disgrace to French people? well coming from a disgrace to human kind..I am kind of flattered ..and who do you think you are fooling by pretending that you were just looking for some ideas?? ha ha ha ...

  3. Cher prof, comme vous l'avez DEMANDé, j'ai CHERCHé à EFFECTUER le travail RéCLAMé. Mais comme je DéSIRAIS ALLER JOUER à la console avec mes potes plutôt que de me prendre la tête à RéVISER mon français, je l'ai fait faire par quelqu'un d'autre. Et comme vraiment je m'en tape méchamment la couenne, je n'ai même pas CHERCHé à VéRIFIER ce qu'on m'a écrit. AVOUEZ qu'au moins pour la démarche je MéRITE un petit point ou deux?

    Edit : Lol, yes that's exactly how we talk. We just wear our beret, go out to buy a baguette and then talk about how we put butter and olive oil on it with people in the street. "How are you? Oh fine I put butter on my baguette! And you? Oh I put Olive oil!". And of course, we never forget to laugh with our pathetic "oh oh oh" before we leave. I can see you know many French people, otherwise how would you know that?!It's so good to be pathetic and French, we're never sick of talking about butter and olive oil, it's great. The other day I also talked about cheese for the first time in my life, it felt so strange!

  4. I was going to answer but Maya beat me to it. Go with her answer: perfect grammar.

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