
Can someone who has seen Jason Kidd in his prime tell me why he is a star in the NBA?

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I'm young, and I probably haven't seen what Jason kidd can do.

but I see how he does now. He almsot always passes the ball whenever he gets it. sure he gets assists, but if you pass enough times you're bound to stack up assists, and whenever he goes to try to score, more often than not, he misses - and not only wide open jumpers, but lay ups.

whenever he gets on the court, if I was playing against him, I would think, "no threat, he's gonna pass to someone, and if he does shoot, we'll take it."

Now he's on the USA men's team, but with a better PG, Chris paul. maybe its just because CP3 is a PG in my generation, but it seems that CP3 can pass just as well as Jason Kidd, but can actually score with floaters/layups almost as well as Tony Parker.




  1. I never liked him in high school or the NBA he is one of those guys that someone likes he is not a winner Chris Paul should be starting I do respect Kidd but I don,t like his game and he wont beat you if Chris paul were starting we would win every game by 50 points

  2. the band aid kid--that is who jason really is.  He is sooooooooooooooo funy--lucked up in the NBA--but he has got the money.

  3. What the heck are you talking about kidd was amazing man i mean he dished off a million assissts he rebounds, and he has a good jump shot. Man, you really have to watch his highlights on you tube. also he is the leader in history in triple doubles.

  4. He can easily assert himself at all ends and get everyone involve.

  5. when he was younger he literally averaged a triple double he Can still do it that is why he might average 12 points but he gets 10 assists and 9 rebounds only magic could do that

    you might see d will do it now

  6. there is more to being a PG then scoreing. there is a reason they call him Mr. triple double. because threw his career he has had more triple doubles then almost anyone and yea he is past his prime but the reason he is starting over cris paul is everyone on the US team respects him as a leader. and he has been there b4 he is a great leader. and that is what makes him so good. besides his stats. go to this website and look and his career stats they are great.

  7. j kidd in his prime, dude was raw juss like cp3 but tha thing about jkidd is he doesnt have to score he is a great passer and thats the def of a point gaurd but yeah in his prime he can score he still scores a lil here n there but like you said not that much he also rebounds passes but numbers dont lie in basketball just look at how many triple doubles tha mann has lol that alone should show you how great he is

  8. kidd has been a phenom since high school.had a great ncaa tourney his frosh year at cal (subpar his soph season) and then took his game to the nba. shared rook of the year honors with grant hill (a name synonymous with injured reserve/ what couldve been) and has been a stud ever since.

    probably isnt the most coachable star out there but he is a winner. can run a team, get everyone involved and his true impact usually never does him the justice on the statsheet. he makes everyone better. probably has the best court vision since magic.tough nosed defender, who is strong, has a high bball IQ and a triple double threat everytime he hits the court.

    only weakness was/is his still pretty darn quick for 35 years old but at this stage in his career isnt worth the amount of money he is being paid.

    also led the nets to 2 straight eastern conference titles and 2 finals berths. this guy has been a top tier pg for over 10 years.

    in my opinion the best point guard since isiah and stockton.

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